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Where to Find Candy for Hollowhead’s Quest in Fortnite



Image courtesy of Epic Games

Here’s where to find candy for Hollowhead’s quest in Fortnite.

The Fortnitemares celebrations are still going strong. Hollowhead has appeared and is offering some new challenges to willing players. One quest in particular asks players to locate and gather up some candy. At first, you might find yourself wandering around to no avail. But, just like Trick-or-Treating, your best bet on finding some candy will be in places with houses or neighborhoods.

With that in mind, there’s one place in particular that will serve you best. Here’s what you need to know.

The best location to begin your search is at Pleasant Park. You’ll find plenty of houses all decorated to match the spooky season. Hit some of the decorations with your harvesting tool and you should receive some candy for your troubles. Additionally, you might also find some loose candy scattered around out in the open in Pleasant Park. Be sure to snap it up quick.

Players will need to consume the candy in order for it to count towards the quest. While all candy will restore a small amount of health, some pieces might have some interesting effects.

There’ll likely be a number of other players looking to grab some candy, too. So while it’s best to get to Pleasant Park straightaway, be on the lookout for some rival candy hunters. If Pleasant Park is all tapped out by the time you get to it, then try looking in some of the other locations with houses. If you see somewhere with Halloween decorations, you’ll likely find some candy hidden in them.

Hollowhead has a bunch of other fun little quests to get stuck into once you’re done. Be sure to see what the season has to offer before it’s over.

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Source: https://www.dbltap.com/posts/where-to-find-candy-for-hollowhead-s-quest-in-fortnite-01fk0k8khz63?utm_source=RSS


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