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What is Already Vaped Bud (AVB) and what can you do with it? – leafie


We’ve all heard about the supposed health benefits of opting for vaping over smoking. We may even have been told that vaping preserves more cannabinoids and terpenes, making your product more effective. But what about the potential of the bud that has already been vaped?

Known as “already vaped bud” or simply “AVB”, the remains from your dry herb vaporiser chamber could hold more potential than you may first have imagined. The brown, dried-out cannabis left over after your vaping session may look a little worse for wear, but it may still contain a significant cannabinoid content that can be put to use in other ways.

So, let’s take a closer look at AVB and what you can do with it.

Smoking vs Vaping cannabis?

“Already vaped bud” is a pretty self-explanatory term, so we won’t bore you with an unneeded description. It’s how AVB is made that is of interest here. You see, when cannabis is smoked, all that’s left at the end of your session is white or grey ash in the bottom of your ashtray. Aside from being used to tell you if your cannabis is of good quality, these remains are essentially useless.

That’s because smoking involves the complete combustion of your cannabis using extremely high temperatures. While these temperatures obviously achieve the successful decarboxylation and evaporation of cannabinoids such as CBD and THC, as well as some terpenes, some evidence suggests that this may not be the most efficient way of releasing these valuable ingredients.

Not only do these high temperatures mean that all the cannabinoids and terpenes in your cannabis will be destroyed once burnt, but it could also mean that some of them are destroyed before you even get a chance to inhale them.

The boiling points of cannabinoids – that’s the temperature needed to cause decarboxylation and evaporation – are much lower than those applied when cannabis is smoked. For example, THC is purported by several sources to have a boiling point of only 157°C, with CBD’s boiling point being only marginally higher. In comparison, a conventional cigarette burns at around 900°C.

Vaping temperatures

In contrast, dry herb vaporisers apply gentle heat, typically reaching up to a maximum of around 220-240°C. While these temperatures achieve the decarboxylation and release of cannabinoids and other active ingredients in the form of inhalable vapour, the plant product is not completely destroyed.

As a result, the already vaped bud left over after your vape session may still contain a number of unused cannabinoids – cannabinoids that can be put to use in a number of different ways.

Putting your AVB to use

The brown, dried-out remnants of your once-green bud may look a little worse for wear, but it could still hold some impressive effects. Don’t get us wrong, AVB is not going to be anywhere near as potent as when it started out, but that doesn’t mean that it’s only fit for the bin.

Many cannabis vapers have discovered how they can get even more bang for their buck by putting their AVB to use. So, let’s take a look at some of the ways these unimpressive-looking leftovers can be used.

Make some edibles

One of the easiest and most versatile things you can do with AVB is create your own cannabis edibles. From baked goods like the classic favourite, brownies to something a little more adventurous, AVB is the perfect option if you’re wanting to experiment with cannabis in the kitchen.

The best thing about using AVB in this way is that it has already been decarboxylated. This means that the acidic precursors of your favourite cannabinoids have already been converted into the compounds that we all know and love. Your vaporiser has already done the most important step for you, so you won’t have to cook out your cannabis before creating your edible products.

If you want to use your AVB in baking or cooking, simply add it to your choice of oil, or opt for butter to create a “cannabutter”. Alternatively, if you’re not one for cooking, you can opt for the more straightforward option of adding your AVB directly to ready-made products. Swirl it into some peanut butter or chocolate spread or simply use it as a topping or garnish – easy!

Create capsules

Empty gel capsules can be brought cheaply and easily online, and can be a convenient way to consume AVB with little to no effort. What’s more, you can consume the AVB without any taste or smell. Simply pack your capsules with the leftover AVB and take 1-2 a day. Consuming cannabinoids orally in this way can mean a delay until you feel any effects, which can be beneficial for those who want a delayed or long lasting experience.

Brew some tea or coffee

Another popular way to use up the often-discarded remnants of your vape chamber is to incorporate it into your daily brew. Steeping the AVB alongside your tea leaves when making your morning or evening cuppa or adding it to your coffee grounds when preparing a cup o’ Joe is a quick and easy way to make the most of your cannabis.

You may notice the added bitterness brought by the burnt buds but that’s nothing that can’t be masked with an extra spoon of sugar or honey!

So, if you’re a regular cannabis vaper that has often wondered if anything can be done with your leftover buds, or if you’ve been looking for a reason to give vaping a try – look no further. Not only can vaping offer a less harmful and more efficient alternative to smoking, but with smart use of ABV, it can also offer better value, too.


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