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Cập nhật ASML SEMICON West 2023 – Semiwiki


Chủ đề

Đối tượng XFMvcEntityArrayCollection ( [entities:protected] => Array ( [18459] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 51 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [id_thread] => 18459 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Báo cáo kết quả tài chính quý 2 năm 2023 của Intel với định hướng mạnh mẽ!  [reply_count] => 4 [view_count] => 377 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] => 1690489518 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => hiển thị [discussion_open] => 1 [ Discuss_type] => thảo luận [first_post_id] => 62706 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_user_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [prefix_id ] => 0 [thẻ] => [] [trường_tùy chỉnh] => [] [điểm_bình chọn] => 0 [số_phiếu] => 0 [loại_dữ_liệu] => [] ) [_quan_hệ:được_bảo_vệ] => Mảng ( [Người dùng] => Đối tượng ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [ user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [language_id] => 1 [style_id] = > 0 [múi giờ] => Châu Mỹ/Los_Angeles [hiển thị] => 1 [hoạt_động_hiển_thị] => 1 [id_nhóm_người_dùng] => 3 [id_nhóm_phụ] => 4,5,132 [id_nhóm_hiển_thị] => 3 [id_tổ_hợp_quyền] => 88 [đếm_tin ] => 10103 [số_câu_hỏi_giải_pháp] => 0 [cuộc trò_chuyện_chưa_đọc] => 0 [ngày_đăng_ký] => 1280720820 [hoạt_động_cuối_cùng] => 1690515935 [ngày_tóm tắt_email_cuối_cùng] => 1605968657 [điểm_cúp] => 113 [cảnh_báo_chưa_đọc] => 22 [cảnh_báo_chưa_đọc] = > 22 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => hợp lệ [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin ] => 1 [bị_cấm] => 0 [điểm_phản ứng] => 2266 [điểm_cảnh_báo] => 0 [được_nhân_viên] => 1 [khóa_bí_mật] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [chính sách_bảo_mật_được_chấp_nhận] => 0 [điều_kiện_được_chấp_nhận] => 0 [điểm_bình chọn] = > 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_options:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending: protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [ Diễn đàn] => Đối tượng XFEntityForum ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_id_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [ last_thread_title] => Intel báo cáo kết quả tài chính quý 2 năm 2023 với định hướng mạnh mẽ!  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications ] => tất cả [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => thảo luận [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( [Node] => Đối tượng XFEntityNode ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [title] => Diễn đàn chính SemiWiki ( Hãy hỏi chuyên gia!  ) [mô tả] => Gửi câu hỏi của bạn cho các chuyên gia tại đây!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [18460] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 55 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 18460 [node_id] => 2 [title] => ASML attributes EUV shipment pushout to lack of skills for constructing advanced fabs [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 132 [user_id] => 5185 [username] => Fred Chen [post_date] => 1690497154 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 62710 [first_post_reaction_score] => 2 [first_post_reactions] => {"1":2} [last_post_date] => 1690497154 [last_post_id] => 62710 [last_post_user_id] => 5185 [last_post_username] => Fred Chen [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 52 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5185 [username] => Fred Chen [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => chen.t.fred@gmail.com [custom_title] => [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 4 [secondary_group_ids] => [display_style_group_id] => 4 [permission_combination_id] => 92 [message_count] => 1379 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1333032401 [last_activity] => 1690528173 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605940563 [trophy_points] => 83 [alerts_unviewed] => 0 [alerts_unread] => 0 [avatar_date] => 0 [avatar_width] => 0 [avatar_height] => 0 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 495 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 0 [secret_key] => 5m-bZq0HRSi9VA-96QONHJeevdQas5S8 [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_user_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel Reports Q2 2023 Financial Results with Strong Guidance!  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications ] => tất cả [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => thảo luận [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( [Node] => Đối tượng XFEntityNode ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [title] => Diễn đàn chính SemiWiki ( Hãy hỏi chuyên gia!  ) [mô tả] => Gửi câu hỏi của bạn cho các chuyên gia tại đây!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [18456] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 59 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 18456 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Tesla created secret team to suppress thousands of driving range complaints [reply_count] => 4 [view_count] => 230 [user_id] => 14042 [username] => hist78 [post_date] => 1690462527 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 62675 [first_post_reaction_score] => 2 [first_post_reactions] => {"1":2} [last_post_date] => 1690495031 [last_post_id] => 62709 [last_post_user_id] => 33967 [last_post_username] => Jert [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 56 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 14042 [username] => hist78 [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => ckckhcdc@gmail.com [custom_title] => [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 0 [activity_visible] => 0 [user_group_id] => 2 [secondary_group_ids] => [display_style_group_id] => 2 [permission_combination_id] => 8 [message_count] => 2135 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1389969050 [last_activity] => 1690530496 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605978520 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 0 [alerts_unread] => 1 [avatar_date] => 1604959511 [avatar_width] => 807 [avatar_height] => 384 [avatar_highdpi] => 1 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 1224 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 0 [secret_key] => 2YRSnPrl4fVQSdv3R6uqHxqi6BDQOXve [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_user_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel Reports Q2 2023 Financial Results with Strong Guidance!  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications ] => tất cả [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => thảo luận [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( [Node] => Đối tượng XFEntityNode ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [title] => Diễn đàn chính SemiWiki ( Hãy hỏi chuyên gia!  ) [mô tả] => Gửi câu hỏi của bạn cho các chuyên gia tại đây!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [18455] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 63 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 18455 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Mark Liu, AI chips to Displace server chips [reply_count] => 15 [view_count] => 426 [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [post_date] => 1690460728 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 62674 [first_post_reaction_score] => 1 [first_post_reactions] => {"1":1} [last_post_date] => 1690494938 [last_post_id] => 62708 [last_post_user_id] => 3973 [last_post_username] => lilo777 [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 60 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => a-j-hanson@att.net [custom_title] => [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 1 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 2 [secondary_group_ids] => [display_style_group_id] => 2 [permission_combination_id] => 8 [message_count] => 2715 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1366028460 [last_activity] => 1690506884 [last_summary_email_date] => 1606051785 [trophy_points] => 83 [alerts_unviewed] => 0 [alerts_unread] => 3 [avatar_date] => 0 [avatar_width] => 0 [avatar_height] => 0 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 299 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 0 [secret_key] => ta_8_Pj20m6PDO6RnrGK-VnSP_vyhP_m [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_user_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel Reports Q2 2023 Financial Results with Strong Guidance!  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications ] => tất cả [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => thảo luận [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( [Node] => Đối tượng XFEntityNode ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [title] => Diễn đàn chính SemiWiki ( Hãy hỏi chuyên gia!  ) [mô tả] => Gửi câu hỏi của bạn cho các chuyên gia tại đây!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Diễn đàn [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [deep] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effic_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Danh mục chính","độ sâu":0,"lft":1,"node_name" :null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effic_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [ _options:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_whenSaveable: protected] => Mảng ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_options:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_deleted:protected ] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] = > Mảng ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_options:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending: protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [ 18413] => Đối tượng ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 67 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [thread_id] => 18413 [node_id] => 2 [title] => TSM có bao nhiêu bằng sáng chế và bản quyền?  68860 [reply_count] => 38 [view_count] => 1239 [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [post_date] => 1690201725 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => hiển thị [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => thảo luận [first_post_id] => 62565 [first_post_reaction_score] => 1 [first_post_reactions] => {"1":1} [last_post_date] => 1690489755 [last_post_id] => 62707 [last_post_user_id] => 38697 [last_post_username ] => blueone [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] = > Mảng ( [Người dùng] => Chủ đềXLinkXFEntityĐối tượng Người dùng ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 60 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected ] => Mảng ( [id_người_dùng] => 10499 [tên_người_dùng] => Arthur Hanson [tên_người_dùng] => 0 [tên_ngày_hiển_thị] => 0 [email] => aj-hanson@att.net [tiêu_đề_tùy_chọn] => [id_ngôn ngữ] => 1 [id_kiểu] => 1 [múi giờ] => Châu Mỹ/Los_Angeles [hiển thị] => 1 [hoạt_động_hiển_thị] => 1 [id_nhóm_người_dùng] => 2 [id_nhóm_phụ] => [id_nhóm_mạng_hiển_thị] => 2 [id_kết_hợp_quyền] = > 8 [đếm_tin] => 2715 [đếm_câu_hỏi_giải_pháp] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [ngày_đăng_ký] => 1366028460 [hoạt_động] => 1690506884 [ngày_tóm tắt_email_cuối] => 1606051785 [điểm_chiến tích] => 83 [alerts_unviewed] => 0 [alerts_unread] => 3 [avatar_date] => 0 [avatar_width] => 0 [avatar_height] => 0 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => hợp lệ [security_lock] => [is_moderator] = > 0 [là_quản_trị] => 0 [bị_cấm] => 0 [điểm_phản_ứng] => 299 [điểm_cảnh_báo] => 0 [là_nhân_viên] => 0 [khóa_bí_mật] => ta_8_Pj20m6PDO6RnrGK-VnSP_vyhP_m [chấp nhận_chính sách_quyền_tư] => 0 [điều_kiện_chấp_nhận] = > 0 [điểm_bình chọn] => 0 ) [_quan hệ:được bảo vệ] => Mảng ( ) [_giá trị trước đó:được bảo vệ] => Mảng ( ) [_options:được bảo vệ] => Mảng ( ) [_đã xóa:được bảo vệ] => [_readOnly:được bảo vệ ] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_behaviors: protected] => ) [Forum] => Đối tượng XFEntityForum ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values :protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_id_user] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [ last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel báo cáo kết quả tài chính quý 2 năm 2023 với định hướng mạnh mẽ!  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications ] => tất cả [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => thảo luận [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( [Node] => Đối tượng XFEntityNode ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [title] => Diễn đàn chính SemiWiki ( Hãy hỏi chuyên gia!  ) [mô tả] => Gửi câu hỏi của bạn cho các chuyên gia tại đây!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [18446] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 71 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 18446 [node_id] => 2 [title] => GlobalFoundries claims German chip subsidies will 'distort competition' [reply_count] => 3 [view_count] => 396 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] => 1690332747 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 62641 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1690488712 [last_post_id] => 62704 [last_post_user_id] => 14042 [last_post_username] => hist78 [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 10103 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1690515935 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 22 [alerts_unread] => 22 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 2266 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_user_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel Reports Q2 2023 Financial Results with Strong Guidance!  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications ] => tất cả [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => thảo luận [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( [Node] => Đối tượng XFEntityNode ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [title] => Diễn đàn chính SemiWiki ( Hãy hỏi chuyên gia!  ) [mô tả] => Gửi câu hỏi của bạn cho các chuyên gia tại đây!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [18458] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 75 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 18458 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Texas Instruments' 2Q23 results show confidence in 300mm wafer strategic focus [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 88 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] => 1690487611 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 62703 [first_post_reaction_score] => 2 [first_post_reactions] => {"1":2} [last_post_date] => 1690487611 [last_post_id] => 62703 [last_post_user_id] => 5 [last_post_username] => Daniel Nenni [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 10103 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1690515935 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 22 [alerts_unread] => 22 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 2266 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_user_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel Reports Q2 2023 Financial Results with Strong Guidance!  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[node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [18457] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 79 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 18457 [node_id] => 2 [title] => RISC-V Moving Toward Open Server Specification [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 68 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] => 1690487153 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 62702 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1690487153 [last_post_id] => 62702 [last_post_user_id] => 5 [last_post_username] => Daniel Nenni [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 10103 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1690515935 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 22 [alerts_unread] => 22 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 2266 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_user_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel Reports Q2 2023 Financial Results with Strong Guidance!  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[node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [18447] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 83 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 18447 [node_id] => 2 [title] => AI Chip Market: Advanced Packaging Capabilities Key Differentiating Factor (TSMC CoWos) [reply_count] => 3 [view_count] => 373 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] => 1690381128 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 62648 [first_post_reaction_score] => 3 [first_post_reactions] => {"1":3} [last_post_date] => 1690485491 [last_post_id] => 62700 [last_post_user_id] => 1306 [last_post_username] => cliff [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 10103 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1690515935 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 22 [alerts_unread] => 22 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 2266 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_user_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel Reports Q2 2023 Financial Results with Strong Guidance!  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications ] => tất cả [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => thảo luận [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( [Node] => Đối tượng XFEntityNode ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [title] => Diễn đàn chính SemiWiki ( Hãy hỏi chuyên gia!  ) [mô tả] => Gửi câu hỏi của bạn cho các chuyên gia tại đây!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Diễn đàn [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [deep] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effic_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Danh mục chính","độ sâu":0,"lft":1,"node_name" :null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effic_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [ _options:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_whenSaveable: protected] => Mảng ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_options:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_deleted:protected ] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] = > Mảng ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_options:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending: protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [ 18454] => Đối tượng ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 87 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [thread_id] => 18454 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Pin Proton, Công cụ thay đổi cuộc chơi?  [reply_count] => 1 [view_count] => 128 [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [post_date] => 1690455517 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => hiển thị [discussion_open] => 1 [ Discuss_type] => thảo luận [first_post_id] => 62673 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1690465932 [last_id_post] => 62679 [last_post_id_user] => 22900 [last_post_username] => đếm [prefix_id ] => 0 [thẻ] => [] [trường_tùy chỉnh] => [] [điểm_bình chọn] => 0 [số_phiếu] => 0 [loại_dữ_liệu] => [] ) [_quan_hệ:được_bảo_vệ] => Mảng ( [Người dùng] => Đối tượng ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 60 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [ user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => aj-hanson@att.net [custom_title] => [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 1 [múi giờ] => Châu Mỹ/Los_Angeles [hiển thị] => 1 [hoạt_động_hiển_thị] => 1 [id_nhóm_người_dùng] => 2 [id_nhóm_phụ] => [id_nhóm_hiển_thị] => 2 [id_kết_hợp_quyền] => 8 [đếm_tin] = > 2715 [số_câu_hỏi_giải_pháp] => 0 [cuộc trò_chuyện_chưa_đọc] => 0 [ngày_đăng_ký] => 1366028460 [hoạt_động_cuối_cùng] => 1690506884 [ngày_tóm tắt cuối_email] => 1606051785 [điểm_cúp] => 83 [cảnh_báo_chưa_đọc] => 0 [cảnh_báo_chưa_đọc] => 3 [avatar_date] => 0 [avatar_width] => 0 [avatar_height] => 0 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => hợp lệ [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] = > 0 [bị_cấm] => 0 [điểm_phản ứng] => 299 [điểm_cảnh_báo] => 0 [được_nhân_viên] => 0 [khóa_bí_mật] => ta_8_Pj20m6PDO6RnrGK-VnSP_vyhP_m [chấp nhận_chính sách_quyền_tư] => 0 [chấp_nhận_điều_kiện] => 0 [điểm_bình chọn] = > 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_options:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending: protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [ Diễn đàn] => Đối tượng XFEntityForum ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_id_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [ last_thread_title] => Intel báo cáo kết quả tài chính quý 2 năm 2023 với định hướng mạnh mẽ!  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications ] => tất cả [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => thảo luận [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( [Node] => Đối tượng XFEntityNode ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [title] => Diễn đàn chính SemiWiki ( Hãy hỏi chuyên gia!  ) [mô tả] => Gửi câu hỏi của bạn cho các chuyên gia tại đây!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [18451] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 91 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 18451 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Officials juggle several US goals as they award CHIPS money [reply_count] => 1 [view_count] => 208 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] => 1690393806 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 62661 [first_post_reaction_score] => 1 [first_post_reactions] => {"1":1} [last_post_date] => 1690418465 [last_post_id] => 62666 [last_post_user_id] => 14042 [last_post_username] => hist78 [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 10103 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1690515935 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 22 [alerts_unread] => 22 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 2266 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_user_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel Reports Q2 2023 Financial Results with Strong Guidance!  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications ] => tất cả [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => thảo luận [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( [Node] => Đối tượng XFEntityNode ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [title] => Diễn đàn chính SemiWiki ( Hãy hỏi chuyên gia!  ) [mô tả] => Gửi câu hỏi của bạn cho các chuyên gia tại đây!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [18450] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 95 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 18450 [node_id] => 2 [title] => IDC: Worldwide Semiconductor OSAT Market Grew 5.1% YoY in 2022, Growth Expected in 2024 Due to Accumulated Advanced OSAT Demand [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 178 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] => 1690392605 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 62660 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1690392605 [last_post_id] => 62660 [last_post_user_id] => 5 [last_post_username] => Daniel Nenni [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 10103 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1690515935 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 22 [alerts_unread] => 22 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 2266 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_user_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel Reports Q2 2023 Financial Results with Strong Guidance!  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications ] => tất cả [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => thảo luận [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( [Node] => Đối tượng XFEntityNode ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [title] => Diễn đàn chính SemiWiki ( Hãy hỏi chuyên gia!  ) [mô tả] => Gửi câu hỏi của bạn cho các chuyên gia tại đây!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Diễn đàn [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [deep] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effic_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Danh mục chính","độ sâu":0,"lft":1,"node_name" :null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effic_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [ _options:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_whenSaveable: protected] => Mảng ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_options:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_deleted:protected ] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] = > Mảng ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_options:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending: protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [ 18449] => Đối tượng ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 99 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [thread_id] => 18449 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Bộ nhớ HBM3 Gen 2 của Micron có chiếm ưu thế trong AI/ML không?  [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 142 [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [post_date] => 1690388922 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => hiển thị [discussion_open] => 1 [ Discuss_type] => thảo luận [first_post_id] => 62657 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1690388922 [last_id_post] => 62657 [last_post_id_user] => 10499 [last_post_username] => Arthur Hanson [ tiền tố_id] => 0 [thẻ] => [] [trường_tùy chỉnh] => [] [điểm_bình chọn] => 0 [số_phiếu] => 0 [loại_dữ_liệu] => [] ) [_quan_hệ:được_bảo_vệ] => Mảng ( [Người dùng ] => Đối tượng ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 60 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => aj-hanson@att.net [custom_title] => [language_id] => 1 [style_id ] => 1 [múi giờ] => Châu Mỹ/Los_Angeles [hiển thị] => 1 [hoạt_động_hiển_thị] => 1 [id_nhóm_người_dùng] => 2 [id_nhóm_phụ] => [id_nhóm_hiển_thị] => 2 [id_tổ_hợp_quyền] => 8 [đếm_tin] => 2715 [số_câu_hỏi_giải_pháp] => 0 [cuộc trò_chuyện_chưa_đọc] => 0 [ngày_đăng_ký] => 1366028460 [hoạt_động_cuối_cùng] => 1690506884 [ngày_tóm tắt_email_cuối_cùng] => 1606051785 [điểm_cúp] => 83 [cảnh_báo_chưa_đọc] => 0 [cảnh_báo_chưa_đọc] => 3 [avatar_date] => 0 [avatar_width] => 0 [avatar_height] => 0 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => hợp lệ [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [bị_cấm] => 0 [điểm_phản ứng] => 299 [điểm_cảnh_báo] => 0 [được_nhân_viên] => 0 [khóa_bí_mật] => ta_8_Pj20m6PDO6RnrGK-VnSP_vyhP_m [chấp nhận_chính sách quyền riêng tư] => 0 [chấp nhận_điều khoản] => 0 [điểm_bình chọn] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_options:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending :protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Diễn đàn] => Đối tượng XFEntityForum ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_id_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel báo cáo kết quả tài chính quý 2 năm 2023 với định hướng mạnh mẽ!  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications ] => tất cả [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => thảo luận [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( [Node] => Đối tượng XFEntityNode ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [title] => Diễn đàn chính SemiWiki ( Hãy hỏi chuyên gia!  ) [mô tả] => Gửi câu hỏi của bạn cho các chuyên gia tại đây!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [18448] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 103 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 18448 [node_id] => 2 [title] => China's second-largest chip foundry Hua Hong Semiconductor to raise $3 billion in planned Shanghai IPO [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 106 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] => 1690387321 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 62655 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1690387321 [last_post_id] => 62655 [last_post_user_id] => 5 [last_post_username] => Daniel Nenni [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 10103 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1690515935 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 22 [alerts_unread] => 22 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 2266 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_user_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel Reports Q2 2023 Financial Results with Strong Guidance!  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[node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [18408] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 107 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 18408 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Here are Musk's 12 best quotes from Q2 2023 Tesla Earnings Call [reply_count] => 14 [view_count] => 2299 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] => 1689944162 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 62531 [first_post_reaction_score] => 1 [first_post_reactions] => {"1":1} [last_post_date] => 1690345387 [last_post_id] => 62645 [last_post_user_id] => 20231 [last_post_username] => Barnsley [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 10103 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1690515935 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 22 [alerts_unread] => 22 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 2266 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_user_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel Reports Q2 2023 Financial Results with Strong Guidance!  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[node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [18412] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 111 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 18412 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Chinese RISC-V startups have raised more than $1B [reply_count] => 7 [view_count] => 905 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] => 1690108908 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 62551 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1690327499 [last_post_id] => 62640 [last_post_user_id] => 38697 [last_post_username] => blueone [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 10103 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1690515935 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 22 [alerts_unread] => 22 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 2266 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_user_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel Reports Q2 2023 Financial Results with Strong Guidance!  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications ] => tất cả [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => thảo luận [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( [Node] => Đối tượng XFEntityNode ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [title] => Diễn đàn chính SemiWiki ( Hãy hỏi chuyên gia!  ) [mô tả] => Gửi câu hỏi của bạn cho các chuyên gia tại đây!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Diễn đàn [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [deep] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effic_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Danh mục chính","độ sâu":0,"lft":1,"node_name" :null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effic_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [ _options:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_whenSaveable: protected] => Mảng ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_options:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_deleted:protected ] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] = > Mảng ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_options:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending: protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [ 18444] => Đối tượng ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 115 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [thread_id] => 18444 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Hoa Kỳ phải đối mặt với tình trạng thiếu hụt đáng kể công nhân kỹ thuật trong ngành công nghiệp bán dẫn và khắp Hoa Kỳ  Kinh tế [số_trả_lời] => 1 [số_số_xem] => 304 [id_người_dùng] => 5 [tên_người_dùng] => Daniel Nenni [ngày_đăng_bài] => 1690303268 [dính] => 0 [trạng_thảo_thảo_luận] => hiển thị [thảo_luận_mở] => 1 [discussion_type] => thảo luận [first_post_id] => 62625 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1690326986 [last_post_id] => 62639 [last_post_id_user] => 22900 [last_post_username] => đếm [ tiền tố_id] => 0 [thẻ] => [] [trường_tùy chỉnh] => [] [điểm_bình chọn] => 0 [số_phiếu] => 0 [loại_dữ_liệu] => [] ) [_quan_hệ:được_bảo_vệ] => Mảng ( [Người dùng ] => Đối tượng ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [múi giờ] => Châu Mỹ/Los_Angeles [hiển thị] => 1 [hoạt_động_hiển_thị] => 1 [id_nhóm_người_dùng] => 3 [id_nhóm_phụ] => 4,5,132 [id_nhóm_kiểu_hiển_thị] => 3 [id_tổ_hợp_quyền] => 88 [ message_count] => 10103 [ question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1690515935 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [chiến tích] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 22 [alerts_un đọc] => 22 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => hợp lệ [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [ is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 2266 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_options:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending :protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Diễn đàn] => Đối tượng XFEntityForum ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_id_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel báo cáo kết quả tài chính quý 2 năm 2023 với định hướng mạnh mẽ!  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications ] => tất cả [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => thảo luận [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( [Node] => Đối tượng XFEntityNode ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [title] => Diễn đàn chính SemiWiki ( Hãy hỏi chuyên gia!  ) [mô tả] => Gửi câu hỏi của bạn cho các chuyên gia tại đây!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [18443] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 119 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 18443 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Silicon Wafers Supply Swinging Back to Positive for 2023 [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 158 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] => 1690302325 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 62624 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1690302325 [last_post_id] => 62624 [last_post_user_id] => 5 [last_post_username] => Daniel Nenni [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 10103 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1690515935 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 22 [alerts_unread] => 22 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 2266 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_user_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel Reports Q2 2023 Financial Results with Strong Guidance!  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications ] => tất cả [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => thảo luận [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( [Node] => Đối tượng XFEntityNode ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [title] => Diễn đàn chính SemiWiki ( Hãy hỏi chuyên gia!  ) [mô tả] => Gửi câu hỏi của bạn cho các chuyên gia tại đây!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [18438] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 123 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 18438 [node_id] => 2 [title] => TSMC Phoenix Arizona July 2023 Construction Update [reply_count] => 2 [view_count] => 434 [user_id] => 14042 [username] => hist78 [post_date] => 1690239569 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 62604 [first_post_reaction_score] => 1 [first_post_reactions] => {"1":1} [last_post_date] => 1690293067 [last_post_id] => 62621 [last_post_user_id] => 5 [last_post_username] => Daniel Nenni [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 56 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 14042 [username] => hist78 [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => ckckhcdc@gmail.com [custom_title] => [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 0 [activity_visible] => 0 [user_group_id] => 2 [secondary_group_ids] => [display_style_group_id] => 2 [permission_combination_id] => 8 [message_count] => 2135 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1389969050 [last_activity] => 1690530496 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605978520 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 0 [alerts_unread] => 1 [avatar_date] => 1604959511 [avatar_width] => 807 [avatar_height] => 384 [avatar_highdpi] => 1 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 1224 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 0 [secret_key] => 2YRSnPrl4fVQSdv3R6uqHxqi6BDQOXve [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_user_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel Reports Q2 2023 Financial Results with Strong Guidance!  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications ] => tất cả [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => thảo luận [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( [Node] => Đối tượng XFEntityNode ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [title] => Diễn đàn chính SemiWiki ( Hãy hỏi chuyên gia!  ) [mô tả] => Gửi câu hỏi của bạn cho các chuyên gia tại đây!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [18442] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 127 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 18442 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Logitech Up premarket, good indicator for tech [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 127 [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [post_date] => 1690289084 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 62620 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1690289084 [last_post_id] => 62620 [last_post_user_id] => 10499 [last_post_username] => Arthur Hanson [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 60 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => a-j-hanson@att.net [custom_title] => [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 1 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 2 [secondary_group_ids] => [display_style_group_id] => 2 [permission_combination_id] => 8 [message_count] => 2715 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1366028460 [last_activity] => 1690506884 [last_summary_email_date] => 1606051785 [trophy_points] => 83 [alerts_unviewed] => 0 [alerts_unread] => 3 [avatar_date] => 0 [avatar_width] => 0 [avatar_height] => 0 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 299 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 0 [secret_key] => ta_8_Pj20m6PDO6RnrGK-VnSP_vyhP_m [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4842 [message_count] => 29390 [last_post_id] => 62714 [last_post_date] => 1690535832 [last_post_user_id] => 29779 [last_post_username] => tooLongInEDA [last_thread_id] => 18459 [last_thread_title] => Intel Reports Q2 2023 Financial Results with Strong Guidance!  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications ] => tất cả [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => thảo luận [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => Mảng ( [Node] => Đối tượng XFEntityNode ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Mảng ( ) [_values:protected] => Mảng ( [node_id] => 2 [title] => Diễn đàn chính SemiWiki ( Hãy hỏi chuyên gia!  ) [mô tả] => Gửi câu hỏi của bạn cho các chuyên gia tại đây! 
tại chỗ_img

Tin tức mới nhất

tại chỗ_img