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The seagull hating Dr. Oil slides onto Xbox


dr oil

As premises go, the one behind Dr. Oil is as weird as they get. It does however sound like it could be pretty wonderful too though – at least if you dislike seagulls. 

Available to purchase and download right now on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, Dr. Oil is the latest cheap and cheerful game to roll out of the ChiliDog Interactive publishing team – they recently behind the likes of Circus Pocus and Lord of the Click II. Priced at £4.19 and created by those at Antena, Dr. Oil has you playing out an adventure as a slice of butter. Yep, you read that correct. 

This little slab of yellow goodness is far from that though, for Dr. Oil is about as evil as they come. But there’s one thing more evil than Dr. Oil himself and that is the population of seagulls. And yep, we don’t understand either, but apparently seagulls are the root of all evil and it’s up to Dr. Oil to put a stop to their squawking. 

The journey at hand is one that is spread across five unique worlds, as seventy-five stages play out, with things focused mainly on Dr. Oil and his hatred for those damn birds; particularly the most evil of all seagulls – Captain Seagull. 

Inspired by the fairy tales of yesteryear – and some weird, unfounded hatred for our seagull friends – if you fancy taking in a new game that worked 2D platforming angles and some hardcore elements, Dr. Oil is going to be for you. 

The cheap price means this is one to seriously consider. 

Stay tuned for our full review of Dr. Oil on Xbox in the coming days but for now you can grab the download you need by visiting the Xbox Store

Game Description:

Dr. Oil is a bit hardcore 2D platforming experience that tells a story of a conflict between the butter boy and the seagull. This story is heavy influenced by the popular fairy tales that you loved to hear so much as youngsters before the sleep. Once upon a time there was a boy who lived in a fabled and distant kingdom. One day he was bitten by a seagull and therefore he turned into the Captain Seagull. Hatred and darkness filled the heart of that boy, and he became evil because all seagulls are evil! Though he’s not our hero. Our hero today is a slice of butter named Doctor Oil. Dr. Oil is a bit evil as well, but not as evil as any seagull! This brave and tiny dairy product just hates the sounds of seagulls, and so he decides to kill Captain Seagull by his own hand. This desire becomes the possible future that will last for the 75 stages from 5 different worlds! By the way, we have a wonderful trailer here as well, so be sure to watch it just after you’ll buy this game!


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