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Tag: viscosity

10 Alternative Brand Strategies for Cannabis Businesses in 2024

The essence of cannabis branding is not complicated. At its most basic, a company’s or product line’s brand consists of a name, visual identity...

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How to Select the Correct Hardware Partner for Your Concentrates

If your company makes extracts, you have several options to choose from for vape hardware. But how do you choose? The cheapest? A recommendation...

Harvard’s New Programmable Liquid Shifts Its Properties on Demand

We’re surrounded by ingenious substances: a menu of metal alloys that can wrap up leftovers or skin rockets, paints in any color imaginable, and...

Meet the ‘quantum plumbers’ uncovering the mysteries of fluid mechanics at the nanoscale – Physics World

Nanofluidics could be used to purify water, generate energy and build nanoscale machines. But when water flows through a carbon nanotube, classical fluid mechanics...

Intelligent liquid

Apr 04, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed a programmable metafluid with...

Quantum tornado provides gateway to understanding black holes

Mar 20, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Scientists have for the first time created a giant quantum vortex to mimic a black hole in superfluid helium that...

When Bose wrote to Einstein: the power of diverse thinking – Physics World

In 1924 an Indian physicist called Satyendra Nath Bose wrote to Albert Einstein saying he had solved a problem in quantum physics that had...

Exploring the Selection at Columbia Care Chevy Chase Dispensary

Columbia Care Chevy Chase Dispensary offers a diverse range of cannabis products to suit various preferences and needs. From the potent flower strains to...

Detect anomalies in manufacturing data using Amazon SageMaker Canvas | Amazon Web Services

With the use of cloud computing, big data and machine learning (ML) tools like Amazon Athena or Amazon SageMaker have become available and useable...

Cadence Claims the CFD High Ground with a New GPU-Based Accelerator – Semiwiki

For observers of EDA markets there is an easily overlooked opportunity for new growth. Today around 50% of EDA revenues come from systems rather...

Evidence and therapeutic implications of biomechanically regulated immunosurveillance in cancer and other diseases – Nature Nanotechnology

Klotter, V. et al. Assessment of pathologic increase in liver stiffness enables earlier diagnosis of CFLD: results from a prospective longitudinal cohort study. PLoS...

Challenges of EVs and Battery Operation in the Supply Chain

The supply chain is undergoing a sustainability revolution. Organizations conscious of their green credentials are investing in electrification to reduce their carbon emissions. Electric...

Anthrobots: Tiny Robots From Tracheal Epithelium Cells That Can Fix Neural Damage

Although we often regard our own bodies and those of the other multicellular organisms around us as a singular entity, each cell that makes...

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