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Tag: counterintuitively

US Navy’s submarine fleet is too small. Here’s how selling some may help.

This is the first story of a two-part series on how the U.S. submarine force is participating in the trilateral AUKUS alliance. Click here...

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Quantum batteries break causality

Dec 14, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Batteries that exploit quantum phenomena to gain, distribute and store power promise to surpass the abilities and usefulness of conventional...

Bubble-driven microrobots for remote biological sampling and waste clean-up

Nov 24, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Microrobotics has advanced rapidly in recent years, allowing scientists to build minuscular machines able to penetrate hard-to-reach environments from inside...

The generative AI easy button to run a POC in your DC

Commissioned Generative AI runs on data, and many organizations have found GenAI is most valuable when they combine it with their unique and proprietary...

Bitcoin And Crypto Face Pressure: Impact Of Rising Real Yields

The intricate dance between Bitcoin, crypto and real yields is becoming increasingly pronounced. As the world of traditional finance grapples with the implications of...

Dynamic IDV: Solving The Complex Challenge of Evolving Identity

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US Retail Sales and The End of The Pause – Orbex Forex Trading Blog

Over the last few days, expectations that the Fed won’t pause at the next meeting have been creeping up. The macro data keeps painting...

Analysis: China’s CO2 emissions hit Q1 record high after 4% rise in early 2023  – Carbon Brief

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Re Engagement Campaign Magic: How We Improved Our Email Open Rate by 25%

Patrick Rauland • Today at 00:00 If you’ve been in the eCommerce industry for a while you’ve probably...

Re Engagement Campaign Magic: How We Improved Our Email Open Rate by 25% – eCommerceFuel

Patrick Rauland • Yesterday at 00:00 If you’ve been in the eCommerce industry for a while you’ve probably...

Polar bear fur inspires solar-thermal textiles

A new double-layered fabric inspired by the black skin and white fur of polar bears uses heat radiated from the Sun...

Giant magnetoresistance spotted in near-pristine graphene

After amazing us with its incredible strength, flexibility and thermal conductivity, graphene has now chalked...

Set It & Forget It: How Heat Pumps Resolved a Long Term Marital Dispute

A decade old argument in our house relates to the right indoor temperature for our long, chilly, and wet Portland winters. It’s not just...

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