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Tag: computed

Run Apache Spark 3.5.1 workloads 4.5 times faster with Amazon EMR runtime for Apache Spark | Amazon Web Services

The Amazon EMR runtime for Apache Spark is a performance-optimized runtime that is 100% API compatible with open source Apache Spark. It offers faster...

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CSS Length Units

Overview Many CSS properties accept numbers as values. Sometimes those are whole numbers. Sometimes they’re decimals and fractions. Other times, they’re percentages. Whatever they are,...

Innovative Industrial Properties Reports First Quarter 2024 Results

SAN DIEGO — Innovative Industrial Properties, Inc. (IIP), the first and only real estate company on the New York Stock Exchange focused on the...

AsiaMedic partners with Sunway to establish new diagnostic imaging centre

The planned close to 6,000 sqft facility at Royal Square in Novena is expected to commence operations by November 2024 and will nearly double...

Will Energy Efficiency Ever Get Its Due?

After all these years and despite so many accomplishments, measures that save energy remain U.S. climate policy’s bastard child.Even defenders of energy efficiency sell...

Patent Office Issued 243 Patents to Indiana Entities in March 2024

The U.S. Patent Office issued the following 243 patents to persons and businesses in Indiana in March 2024: Patent Number                                      Title US 11943517 B2 Method and apparatus for...

Unlock Sports Betting Success: Expected Value, Closing Line, Variance

There are different types of cricket formats available worldwide today. Most sports bettors relied their bets based on what they perceive – whether a...

AI is virtually unwrapping the past

For centuries, the Herculaneum scrolls, a collection of ancient papyri buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, remained a tantalizing mystery....

Beyond the Human Eye: Enhancing Nondestructive Testing with AI Insights

Nondestructive Testing (NDT) has long been a crucial aspect of quality assurance in structures and materials across various industries. Traditionally, NDT relied heavily on...

Live Meeting Assistant with Amazon Transcribe, Amazon Bedrock, and Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock | Amazon Web Services

See CHANGELOG for latest features and fixes. You’ve likely experienced the challenge of taking notes during a...

Fintech’s data centers face a GenAI “energy paradox”

Data centers make the world go round. These buildings house the servers that store and compute every digital function our societies carry out. The...

Top 35+ Finance Interview Questions And Answers

Table of contents Introduction Finance plays a critical role in any business, making finance interviews particularly challenging. These interviews assess candidates’ knowledge of financial concepts and...

GPT-4 can exploit real vulnerabilities by reading advisories

AI agents, which combine large language models with automation software, can successfully exploit real world security vulnerabilities by reading security advisories, academics have claimed. In...

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