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Logistics in the Digital Age: From Traditional Sales to Strategic Marketing


Does Logistics Matter? Answering YES to the question in our latest podcast episode is Joost Jongbloed, CEO at Gradient.

Research Insights: Perceptions of Logistics Companies vs. Customer Views

Marketing starts with knowing both yourself and your customers. A recent benchmark report by Gradient on digital growth in the logistics sector highlighted room for improvement in our sector.

In the podcast, Joost shares some of the report’s findings. Customers generally have a positive view of their logistics partners. Over 60% of clients rated their logistics providers as good or very good. However, the research also uncovers a disparity between how logistics companies perceive their performance and how their customers perceive them. Providers often regard themselves as even better performers in terms of customer satisfaction than their clients do. This overestimation suggests that while companies believe they are excelling, there is room for improvement from the customer’s perspective.

From Traditional Sales to Digital Strategies

Joost also spoke about a shift logistics companies must make in their marketing and sales strategy. Historically, traditional sales methods have dominated the logistics sector—call centres, in-person visits, and conventional advertising. However, Joost notes a paradigm shift. Modern buyers seek information online, making decisions even before engaging with sales representatives. This is one of the reasons why a shift to a digital strategy is essential.

Digitalization initially focused on internal processes like tracking and warehousing. The pandemic accelerated this trend, emphasizing the need for efficient, automated systems amidst labour shortages. Now, the sector focuses on digitizing marketing, sales, and customer service, aligning with broader B2B trends.

The Power of Storytelling and Brand Differentiation

LinkedIn emerges as a crucial platform for logistics B2B marketing. It provides up-to-date, relevant information, making it an essential tool for building brands and engaging future customers. However, success on LinkedIn and other platforms requires high-quality content and a strategic approach. Storytelling can attract potential buyers by highlighting the values and experiences that set them apart from competitors, whether this is done through blogs, videos, podcasts, LinkedIn posts, or speaking opportunities.

If you want to learn more about how digitalisation can help logistics companies improve operations, customer service, and brand differentiation, listen to my conversation with Joost via the player below or on your favourite podcast app.

Header image credit: John Schnobrich on Unsplash


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