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Learn How Laurie Foster and Russell Nohelty Simplify Crowdfunding Comics on ComixLaunch


Crowdfunding has become a popular way for creators to fund their projects, and the comic book industry is no exception. However, navigating the world of crowdfunding can be overwhelming, especially for those who are new to it. That’s where Laurie Foster and Russell Nohelty come in. They have simplified the process of crowdfunding comics on ComixLaunch.

ComixLaunch is a podcast and website that provides resources and advice for comic book creators who want to crowdfund their projects. Laurie Foster and Russell Nohelty are the hosts of the podcast and the founders of ComixLaunch. They have successfully crowdfunded their own comic book projects and have helped others do the same.

One of the ways they simplify crowdfunding is by breaking it down into manageable steps. They advise creators to start by building an audience before launching a campaign. This involves creating a website, social media accounts, and an email list. By building an audience beforehand, creators can ensure that there is interest in their project and that they have a group of people who are willing to support them.

Another way they simplify crowdfunding is by emphasizing the importance of storytelling. Creators need to tell a compelling story that resonates with their audience. This involves creating a pitch video that showcases the project and its creators. The pitch video should be engaging and informative, and it should give potential backers a sense of what they can expect from the project.

Laurie Foster and Russell Nohelty also stress the importance of setting realistic goals. Creators need to determine how much money they need to complete their project and set a funding goal that reflects that. They also need to consider the costs associated with rewards, shipping, and fees. By setting realistic goals, creators can avoid disappointment and ensure that they can deliver on their promises.

Finally, Laurie Foster and Russell Nohelty advise creators to stay engaged with their backers throughout the campaign. This involves responding to comments and messages, providing updates on the project’s progress, and thanking backers for their support. By staying engaged, creators can build a relationship with their backers and create a sense of community around their project.

In conclusion, crowdfunding can be a daunting task, but Laurie Foster and Russell Nohelty have simplified the process on ComixLaunch. By breaking it down into manageable steps, emphasizing storytelling, setting realistic goals, and staying engaged with backers, they have helped countless creators successfully fund their comic book projects. If you’re a comic book creator who wants to crowdfund your project, be sure to check out ComixLaunch for valuable resources and advice.


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