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January & February 2020: Hand-Picked Pozible Success Stories


Pozible Team

After starting the year with some inspiring projects aimed to help those in need, we look back on the first two months and what these successful projects did best. The main theme throughout all these successful campaigns is a strong identity and the ability to tell their story through clear and engaging content, that resonates with the audience they are looking to reach.

Ned — Campaign Manager

Top picks:

Art for Bushfire Relief

Twenty Years in the Belly of the Beast

Like so many Australians, I was spending time with family over the holiday period when the bushfires hit a number of areas close to family and friends. The idea of raising funds to support those affected is at the forefront of our community’s minds and the team from The Melbourne Map was swift in organising this campaign to give back to those who need it most. Utilising the amazing talents of resident artist who offered a set of Aussie wildlife illustrations, and also generously giving away framed limited editions of the hugely popular Melbourne Map, the campaign was able to offer supporters the chance to receive some quality artworks in return for their pledges. Half of all the proceeds went to the , while the other half went to .

Photographer Melissa Butters has put together this collection of portraits, stories and captured memories from Melbourne’s most infamous nightclub, Revolver Upstairs. This look at the vibrant assortment of characters that have inhabited the venue and made history over some twenty years was a hugely popular campaign that received a number of shares from DJs, promoters and the club themselves .

“It’s equal parts poignant, beautiful, absurd and hilarious.”

The timeliness of this campaign allowed the project creators to make a decision to donate 100% of the profits of this four-year project to help some causes that were close to their hearts. They gave half to both and , two great organisations that are accepting donations in the wake of the devastating bushfires.

Rizky—Senior Software Developer

Top Picks:

Ruby’s Make-A-Wish t-shirt

The Top Secret Violin Case

Ruby’s Make-A-Wish t-shirt—$12,260 raised from 217 supporters

The guys at the Make-A-Wish Foundation know a thing or two about running , and with this one they were seeking funds to create a t-shirt Ruby designed personally! Ruby was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis after being born, which saw her in and out of the hospital and receiving endless treatments. But when her wish came true to meet her illustrator heroes at VidCon, her passion for art and creativity has flourished. They were able to almost double their initial target to raise funds to make other wishes come true for other kids like Ruby.

The Top Secret Violin Case—$6,550 raised from 39 supporters

This campaign was able to provide lots of information in terms of the backstory of the project and each of the participants involved. Along with that, they also had a lot of unique and quirky content in terms of images and video to use for promotions. The original play was performed with live music from , at La Mama Courthouse in Melbourne from 21–26 January 2020.

Alan—Co-founder & CEO

Top picks:

Bring Renew Fest 2020 to Life!

Artslab 2020

We generally run campaigns for an average time of one month, but the Renew Fest team managed to pull off a hugely successful campaign in the short timeframe of only one week! From their regular updates posted each day, to their endorsements that came in from
a number of festival ambassadors including the director of ‘2040: The Regeneration’ who each called for full system regenerative change. The festival is now going ahead from the 8–10 May 2020 inland from Byron Bay.

If you didn’t get a chance to get a ticket, you can purchase one while they last .

Artslab 2020—$3,850 raised from 73 supporters

This campaign was able to smash their minimum target to raise the funds needed to put on their 2020 season titled ‘Behind Closed Doors’ showcasing six different emerging artists. The arts have long been an important focus for us here at Pozible, whether its performance, visual, music or anything in between. It’s great to see up-and-coming artists from all mediums being able to raise funds to express themselves through their work. This campaign has some great rewards to show off the strengths of each artist, while also offering the experience of attending the showcase while it was running.

Source: https://blog.pozible.com/january-february-2020-hand-picked-pozible-success-stories-8cb52a80559c?source=rss—-ae0d23b22248—4


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