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How to beat the Bulette in Baldur’s Gate 3


Creeping around in the Underdark reveals some real eldritch horrors of the deep. Hook Claws, poisonous mushrooms, and the Bulette are all out to get you, seemingly out of nowhere. The Bulette in Baldur’s Gate 3 is especially dangerous and hard to beat as it pops from the ground, triggering your fight state without warning. It is a hard battle to prepare for and even harder to win if you don’t know how.

How to beat the Bulette in Baldur’s Gate 3

As you make your way around the map, you will be given a one-move warning to get all your party members out of the way as the Bulette comes flying from the ground. It will immediately attack and can do some pretty serious damage if you’re not prepared with your Baldur’s Gate 3 team. However, these underground Land Sharks can be beaten with the right tactics.

Bulettes Attacks

The Bulette has four main attacks that can really do some damage.

  • Bite – Does what it says on the tin; it will bite anyone within range
  • Burrow – The Bulette disappears, regains health, and will reappear with some health regenerated for round 2. It can appear in any one of its hunting grounds.
  • Leap – This leap flies across the map and will knock any players within range backward
  • Corrosive Phlegm – An area of effect attack that deals 2d8.

Baldur’s Gate 3 tactics

How To Beat The Bulette In Baldur's Gate 3

Screenshot by PC Invasion

The main thing to do when the Bulette is to spread your Baldur’s Gate 3 team members out. The Bulette has two attacks that have a pretty devastating area of effect, so don’t let more than one person be caught in it. If you are working near ledges, try to position your party members in a place that won’t have them knocked off.

So, the best way to start the fight is with as many status effects as possible. The fight will take some time, so get some moves in that will maintain damage over time. Drop some buffs on your teammates, too.

The key is to keep your distance and surround the Bulette in Baldur’s Gate 3. Make sure it can only damage one of your players at a time with its leap attack. Try your best to get its health down as far as possible before the second phase later in the game. If you can, once the health gets close to 20, hammer it with everything you can. This will prevent the Burrow move from being used by the Bulette in Baldur’s Gate 3 and allow you to beat it on your first encounter.

How to cheese the Bulette

Like with most enemies in the Underdark, there is a way to kill them that will result in an easy win but no loot. The Underdark has one particular trait that makes winning fights easy. Simply lure the Bulette towards a ledge, then, using Misty Step or something similar, get behind it. Then, once the Bulette is between you and the ledge, use Thunderwave to push it off the Ledge. Not honorable, but very effective.


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