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Ford Trucks Unveils First Fuel Cell Lorry for Zero-Emission Haulage – Green Hydrogen News


Ford Trucks, a global brand associated with Ford Otomotiv Sanayi, its Turkish partner, is set to introduce its first fuel cell-powered heavy-duty lorry.

This major leap towards zero-emission long-haul transport is part of the EU-funded ZEFES project, a collaborative effort aimed at decarbonizing the critical sector of goods transport.

Ford Trucks has enlisted the expertise of Hexagon Purus, a leading zero-emission infrastructure and mobility solutions supplier based in Norway, for the delivery of the hydrogen fuel storage system crucial for the development of the F-MAX fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV). The comprehensive hydrogen storage system is anticipated to be delivered by the first quarter of 2024. The F-MAX FCEV, manufactured in Turkey, is slated to embark on European Ten-T corridor demonstrations in 2025, aligning with the ambitious goals of the ZEFES project.

The ZEFES project aims to deploy a fleet of nine diverse long-haul truck configurations, encompassing six battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and three FCEVs, demonstrating a commitment to exploring varied approaches to zero-emission transport. Over a 15-month period starting in 2025, these lorries will accumulate invaluable driving data from real-world operations, covering up to 1 million kilometers across EU corridors. The real-time data will be integrated into a digital platform developed within the ZEFES project, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the vehicles’ performance and efficiency in daily operations.

With the transport sector contributing about 20% of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions, the ZEFES project recognizes the pivotal role of clean hydrogen in the decarbonization efforts, particularly in challenging sectors like long-haul transport. The F-MAX FCEV, designed as part of the project, exemplifies the dedication to exploring innovative solutions to reduce emissions in long-distance freight transport.

Zero Emission flexible vehicle platforms with modular powertrains serving the long-haul Freight Eco System (ZEFES) is not merely a project acronym; it symbolizes a concerted effort to bring Europe’s transport sector closer to the ambitious goals outlined in the European Green Deal and the broader 2ZERO emission targets.


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