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Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse – How to power the lift in Phase 4


It’s pretty clear how to power the lift in the underground switchboard room in phase 4 of Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse. You find a memo that tells you as much and you have an elevator that doesn’t work, so it’s easy to put two and two together. In case you’re not sure where the room is, start at the lift on the first floor. Look at the back wall and walk to the metal door and go through it. You’ll find the switchboard on the opposite end of the room. You’ve done one of these puzzles before, but this one is trickier. Let’s look at the memo.

Mask Of The Lunar Eclipse Power Lift Underground Switchboard 2

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Just like the previous puzzle, you want all of the numbers to add up to equal a specified number. In this case, that number is 23, just like that awful Jim Carrey movie. You have to swap between the five numbers on the switchboard until they all equal that number. It can be accomplished through trial and error, sure, or you can just look at this picture and do exactly what it tells you.

Mask Of The Lunar Eclipse Power Lift Underground Switchboard 3

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Power the lift from the underground switchboard room in Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse

As you can see, those numbers are 23908, which all add up to 23. Once you have those in, the elevator will turn on, so head back into the save room with the lift and head up to the third floor. That’s all you have to do to power the lift via the underground switchboard in Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse

Do that and you’ll be one step closer to figure out what exactly is going on on this crazy island packed with creepy dolls and creepier ghosts.

Related: How to search underneath the Haibara Infirmary in Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse.

Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse is available on Steam.


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