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Five more languages added to Luckbox

We’re constantly working to improve Luckbox and we are pleased to announce the website now features five more language options.As well as English, esports...

BIG and FURIA win DreamHack Masters Spring 2020 divisions

As the European bracket kept throwing up surprise after surprise, FURIA continued their steady march towards the top tier of North American Counter-Strike,...

Sumail moving to Europe? Sumail talks ahead of the Blast Bounty Hunt Tournament

Dota 2 6/12/20, 8:30 PM Tom “Haldun” Cockram Ahead of Blast Bounty...

BLAST Bounty Hunt gives Team Secret their fifth shutdown victory in a row

Dota 2 6/14/20, 2:25 PM Cristy “Pandoradota2” Ramadani BLAST Bounty Hunt was...

A celebration of Hiko, one of the first NA CS superstars

It may have taken a while but North American Counter-Strike finally had its time in the sun. In 2019, we saw the greatest...

Why we work with fnx

Excellence and history are two things we love here at Rivalry, and FNX’s name will forever be etched onto the annals of Brazilian...

Why we work with FURIA

We at Rivalry pride ourselves on supporting the emerging esports talents across the world, and it’s safe to say FURIA has more than...

BoomTV raises $10 million for its esports livestreaming platform

BoomTV has raised $10 million for its livestreaming platform for automating esports event production. The Redwood City-based BoomTV has built a platform...

VALORANT-to-English dictionary

VALORANT is out, and that means only one thing: new players! The beta was about the least exclusive beta in the history of...

Why esports evolve instead of ‘get made’

VALORANT is now officially out and there’s every evidence Riot intends to push it into the esports limelight. Could it succeed where Overwatch...

Lex Q&A – The Quarathon, Poker, and Streaming

Lex recently became the most viewed poker streamer on Twitch, getting 58,799 concurrent viewers during his May 20th broadcast. He was also the...

Astralis’ seven men: a set of benign (and meme-y) explanations

The expansion of the Astralis roster has been the talk of the town in CS:GO of late. The concept of a larger squad...

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