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Ernst & Young’s global innovation leader shares the 4 questions CEOs need to answer right now to emerge from the ongoing crisis stronger than ever


  • Companies have been in survival mode for the past few months, but CEOs and other executives are now focusing on long-term planning again. 
  • The challenge facing the C-suite now is figuring out not only how to survive the upcoming economic recovery period, but to come out stronger than before. 
  • To do that, organizations will need to quickly pivot to meet rapidly changing customer demands, according to Jeff Wong, global chief innovation officer at Ernst & Young. 
  • “Innovation really is about resiliency, agility, and flexibility,” he told Business Insider.
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For the last few months, most CEOs and other C-suite executives were in survival mode as the coronavirus pandemic ravaged the globe.

They had to worry about moving thousands of employees to remote work nearly overnight and making difficult decisions like layoffs in order to keep operations afloat.

And while attention for most US leaders has shifted to combating systemic racism in the US after nearly a week of historic protests in cities around the county, that longer-term battle will be fought alongside a potentially devastating economic recovery.

But amidst all that’s been going on, the US innovation machine was running at full throttle.

Automakers pivoted quickly to producing ventilators. Alcohol producers made hand sanitizer. Fashion designers made masks.

Internally, companies rolled out new applications without the standard test trials that gave them total confidence in how the platforms would perform.

Decisions that were previously contemplated for months — like adopting Microsoft Teams or another collaboration service — were made instantaneously. And organizations that were prepared to do so quickly turned to advanced tech like artificial intelligence to support operations.

Now, CEOs, boards of directors, and other execs are struggling with how to maintain that momentum, according to Jeff Wong, global chief innovation officer at Ernst & Young.

They’re thinking about the key projects that will shield their businesses through the upcoming economic recovery — and maybe even let them leapfrog over competitors. And the organizations that will succeed in meeting those goals are those that can move quickly to fulfill rapidly changing customer needs, added Wong.

“Innovation really is about resiliency, agility, and flexibility,” he told Business Insider. Companies are “going to need to maintain that mentality of being able to meet the customers where they are today and at a speed which they did not think they had before.”

A former executive at eBay, Wong shared the four questions that CEOs should be asking themselves right now to emerge out of the pandemic stronger than before.

How do I “return to better?”

The first tranche of the coronavirus response for many companies was focused on ensuring employees were safe, stabilizing their core business, and quickly transitioning workers to the remote setting

But now, as organizations begin to plot how to return operations to some sort of normalcy, they have a unique opportunity to use the uncertainty to eliminate operations that may have hindered forward progress. 

It’s what Wong refers to as a “return to better,” instead of just business as usual. And much of that pivot will be driven by rapidly changing consumer behaviors. 

A recent EY study, for example, found that 45% of consumers believe they will permanently change the way they shop, while nearly 50% said the outbreak has forever altered the way they travel. 

“This is a pretty radical change,” said Wong. “A CEO really needs to be thinking about resilience, flexibility, agility — the things that innovation gives you.”  

How do I keep employees looking ahead as the world keeps changing?

For the past few months, many companies have taken incremental, day-by-day steps as uncertainty over the scope and future of the outbreak remained unclear. 

Now, as more local economies begin to reopen, executives need to get employees to begin to think long-term again.

And the main source of inspiration, according to Wong, should be the customer. 

Many businesses — like airlines, retailers, and banks — will need to completely revamp operations to meet the dramatically changed needs of consumers. 

But it’s not just the rank-and-file employees that need to be attuned to their evolving desires, said Wong. The C-suite needs to be more connected than ever to the voice of their customers.  

“The best CEOs in the world split their time between doing things inside of the company and … also spending a significant time with customers,” he said. “The way to develop an instinct as to where your market is going and how your company can develop the right new products … is to talk to them.”  

RingCentral, for example, is exploring how to allow for more nonverbal cues in online meetings to give remote workers more chances to participate. 

That’s a direct result of listening to customers who are nervous about a workforce bifurcated between those that go back into the office and those that still work-from-home. 

How do we keep or accelerate the spirit of innovation?

While the pandemic led to a surge in innovation, maintaining that momentum is a major challenge for CEOs. 

It’s up to the C-suite to create a more formalized process, versus the rapid response mode that many were in during the start of the crisis.  

In the last few months at EY, for example, there were more than a dozen projects focused on contact tracking to help blunt the spread of the virus. 

“We made a specific effort to reduce it … to one or two places where we could really focus our efforts and energy,” said Wong. 

How do we ultimately end up better, faster, stronger? 

The world was already pivoting to digital at a fast pace. The coronavirus pandemic simply accelerated that change

Now, every company — from a small business owner to the largest corporations in the world — needs to think about how to capitalize on that shift, whether that be a turn to artificial intelligence or creating new, mobile-first applications

For many, that means a more streamlined project pipeline, a greater focus on digital investments, and a willingness to move much more quickly on priority initiatives, per Wong.  

Top executives are “all talking about how they accelerate their innovation transformation investments,” he said. “They are recognizing that this is a unique moment where making the right investments now … will help them differentiate from the rest of their competitors.” 

Such an attitude is critical, as many companies are likely to be facing a cash-crunch during recovery efforts.  

That means executives will need to get more diligent about halting projects that won’t produce value and instead focusing on the transformational initiatives that will help create a future-proof business. 

Pilot Flying J CEO Jimmy Haslam, for example, previously described to Business Insider how it would refocus attention on a core group of digitally-forward projects and let other, less important initiatives, fall by the wayside.  

While the journey ahead will be a difficult one for many companies, Wong’s four questions can help CEOs succeed in guiding their employees through a period of rapid transformation and come out stronger on the other side.

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Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/the-4-questions-that-ceos-need-answer-survive-the-pandemic-2020-5


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