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Efficiently swapping in DeFi


Swapping cryptocurrencies efficiently in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space requires careful consideration of various factors. This guide is designed to help you navigate the world of a DeFi swap effectively.

Choosing a reliable DeFi platform

The first step toward efficient and secure cryptocurrency trading is selecting the right DeFi platform or decentralized exchange (DEX). Consider these crucial factors:

  • Platform decentralization. DeFi projects vary in their degree of decentralization, impacting their resilience and security. It’s essential to choose platforms that align with your preferences regarding centralization.
  • Reputation and trustworthiness. The reputation of a DeFi platform within the cryptocurrency community matters. User testimonials, community sentiment and social proof can provide valuable insights into a platform’s trustworthiness.
  • Security measures. Security should be a top priority when evaluating DeFi platforms. Ensure that the platform employs robust security measures, such as audited smart contracts and bug bounty programs. Platforms with audited contracts are less likely to have vulnerabilities.
  • Token support. A broader selection of supported tokens and blockchains offers more diverse trading opportunities. Choose platforms that offer a wide range of cryptocurrencies for trading.
  • Liquidity and volume. Reliable DeFi platforms maintain a healthy level of liquidity and trading volume. This ensures that you can execute your trades efficiently without significant slippage (the difference between the expected and executed price, often occurring due to rapid price changes). Low liquidity can also lead to unfavorable rates.
  • Fees and costs. DeFi platforms may charge fees for transactions and other activities. It’s essential to compare these costs with other platforms to find the most cost-effective option. Additionally, be aware of gas fees associated with your swap, as they can vary based on network congestion. Gas fees are an essential aspect of using decentralized platforms that operate on blockchain networks like Ethereum. They are paid by users to compensate validators for processing and including their transactions in the blockchain since it requires a certain amount of computational work.

Using DEX aggregators:

DEX aggregators simplify the DeFi trading experience by scanning multiple liquidity providers to offer optimal rates and routes for trades across various DEXes. This saves users time and enhances the efficiency of their swaps.

Using 1inch:

To streamline the swapping process and avoid the hassle of choosing the right place to perform a swap, users can leverage 1inch. It aggregates the best rates from different sources to deliver the optimal rate. Swaps can be executed through the dApp or the 1inch Wallet, which offers extended functionality. Security is a top priority, with 1inch having conducted over 16 audits of its smart contracts, one of the highest numbers in DeFi. The 1inch Wallet provides backup and additional security measures like side-key management.

When swapping in Fusion mode via 1inch, swaps are protected from Miner Extractable Value (MEV), which includes front-running and sandwich attacks – the most common types of DeFi risks. Moreover, Fusion mode offers swaps where users don’t pay for gas, as the fees are covered by resolvers filling the orders. Fusion mode also provides users unlimited liquidity since resolvers source it from the entire market, including centralized exchanges (CEXes), DEXes, their own funds and more. This ensures that swapping can be efficient, secure and user-friendly.

Staying informed:

Remaining updated on the latest DeFi trends, news and security best practices is crucial. DeFi is a rapidly evolving space, and staying informed is essential for making efficient swaps.


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