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Dealers are working harder to engage customers as car supplies improve


Car dealers are working harder to engage customers as new and used vehicle supplies improve while consumers continue to be concerned about the high cost of cars.

Data from 2023 shows that there was an uplift in useful customer communications from dealerships as sales and aftersales teams sought to secure revenue increases.

Dealerships sent 9% more videos to consumers as part of the car buying journey, according to CitNOW, while the number of videos shared for the aftersales process climbed 24%, and 68% of ‘amber’ vehicle maintenance jobs were authorised in less than 30 minutes from receipt of a video.

Consumer research last year by Marketing Delivery found that even after digital engagement 58% of consumers would want to visit a showroom before they buy, so dealership sales staff still get that opportunity for building rapport face-to-face.

But negotiating a fair price is still the biggest worry for many car buyers. Motors research found that 53% of used car buyers and 50% of new car buyers find the conversation about price uncomfortable or stressful.

Its research has also identified the top confidence boosters cited by customers for buying a car from their chosen dealership. 

Top of the list was how approachable and friendly the business is, followed by honesty and trustworthiness; being given space to make decisions; professionalism; and good communications across phone and email.

These demonstrable soft skills were ahead of good reviews and having a wide range of cars. 


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