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Crypto is crashing!!!!


Buy the dips or get the heck out???

Photo by Executium on Unsplash

Crypto is volatile — if you can’t hack it don’t be in this space

If you are the type of person who wants to dollar cost average into the market every month and steadily gain a few percentage points over time — crypto is not for you.

If you got into Crypto recently — well, you’ll need to be even more careful

The ideal time to have gotten into crypto was back before the bull officially started. Don’t fret if you didn’t get in until after the bull was underway, however. I didn’t, either.

Hopefully you didn’t invest your rent money

Rule of thumb I repeat over and over — don’t invest more into volatile markets than you can afford to lose.

What strategy should you follow now that crypto is crashing?

There are two strategies I suggest, depending on whether we’re in a bull or bear market.

So, is the bull market over?

I don’t think so. I think we have a lot of FUD going on (FUD stands for fear, uncertainty, and doubt). This is not a good place to be when you need to keeping your head clear and panic free so you can make good decisions.

What if history doesn’t repeat itself?

I’m making predictions based on what’s happened in the past. But there is no guarantee this time won’t be different.

Crypto is here to stay, just like computers were back in the day

Volatility is the hall mark of a new technology. However, just as the personal computer eventually proved itself, I think crypto has shown it has staying power.

When it comes to making money, time is your friend

If you’re looking at losses right now, remember that time is your friend. If you invested wisely in good coins with a real application and good value, then simply being patient will ensure you don’t lose money.


Hopefully you will be feeling a bit more calm. As I said, I think we are still in the middle of a bull market and real profits will be made by the end of the year.

Coinsmart. Beste Bitcoin-Börse in Europa
Source: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/crypto-is-crashing-8c8c333cf403?source=rss——-8—————–cryptocurrency


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