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Chatbot prototyping with Botsociety



What is Botsociety?

Botsociety is a conversational design tool. It is a web-based next-generation tool which allows you to easily build chatbots and voice apps prototypes and it is free with some limitations.

If you are Conversation Designer or even an individual who wants to have a proof-of-concept of their work, then Botsociety is a tool you can try to easily create and share prototypes.

How to create a chatbot prototype using Botsociety?

We are going to see a step by step guide to get started with building prototypes for your next chatbot or voice app.

Let’s start 1. Get Started

Start by visiting https://botsociety.io/. If you are a first time user then click on get started for free and you can signup with your Google account or your email address. If you have already signed-up before then login with your credentials.

2. Choose the Platform

Give a name to your prototype project.

Here I’m selecting Facebook Messenger as my targeted platform for this demo, you can select any channel as per your requirement.

3. Choose Your Starting point

Choose your starting point, How would you like to start your conversation design? You can select a Blank Design or a template that is available in Botsociety.

If your conversation is relevant to airline bot then you can select an already available design for Airline Bot Template and if you want to design a different conversation then select a blank design and proceed further.

Note: In the existing template, you will have some predefined messages. You can design according to that.

4. Dashboard: Start your conversation design

Here, you will have two options “ Bot Says” and, “ User Says “.

Click on User Says and give input as what user could ask to the bot and click on Bot Says and Add the response of bot as per the request of the user.

5. Bot Says

Here you will have options to select the type of replies like Text, Image, Buttons, Quick reply or Carousel.

Text: Simply you can allow the bot to respond as text response.

Carousel: Use Carousel when you want to show your product with an action button. In the carousel, you can add more detail like title, description, button and image.

Media Type: Allow the bot to reply in images and videos. You can use text as well with a media file but the text is optional.

Button and Quick Reply: Both work in the same way but you can use any one or both as per your requirement. The main difference between them is that Quick Replies disappear when a user clicks one of them, which means they can select only once and it will not appear again, whereas the button will still be displayed even after a user clicks on them.

Web View: It allows the bot to send any media file as a reply and text in a webview you can select full size and tall.

Menu: Menu is used to show the menu for the bot.

Click on Clock Icon and Add time duration of reply like in how many seconds bot should give the reply. With the help of the emoji icon, you can add emoji in your message.

Click on the add button and add your message into bot mock.

6. User Reply

Type here what user could type or ask the bot. User’s query to business or bot. Users can ask in text and images format to a bot.

The mic icon will allow the user for voice input. Using location icon you can provide your location to the bot as an input.

7. Quick Menu

Edit, Delete and add Comment to your conversation. You can add a path also to a specific message.

8. Right Top Menu

Click on the play icon and run your whole conversation.

You can also share the prototype with your review team to get some feedback

You can export your prototype in GIF or MP4 Format. When you will click on export then the system will send it to your registered email address.

Top Articles on How Businesses are using Bots:

1. Chatbots: A new way to communicate with your customers

2. How a University Increased Leads with a Messenger Bot

3. Trump’s Twitter Firefight Included 35 Trollbots

4. Messenger Chatbots — The Stats Don’t Lie!

You can view the whole flowchart of conversation and see the dependency and flow of messages. At the time of large conversation, you can easily find a gap in the conversation if any.

You can Add a tester for a usability testing of your prototype. The system will generate a URL for usability testing and you can send it to the number of testers which you have defined.

In settings, you can view intent and variable and even export to Dialogflow, RASA or any custom API.

You can show the full height of layout, mobile and desktop view of mock.

Clipboard and History: In clipboard, you can add any message or a part of conversations so you can use it whenever it will be required in the future. You can also view the history of your actions.

Top 3 Features of Botsociety that you will like.

Let us know if you have any queries or questions. Leave your comments below, and we will be happy to answer them.

We hope this article helped you to learn about Botsociety. Keep Prototyping.

You can also try Botmock for conversation UI prototyping. You can read about it here.

Thank you for reading.

Don’t forget to give us your 👏 !

Chatbot prototyping with Botsociety was originally published in Chatbots Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Source: https://chatbotslife.com/chatbot-prototyping-with-botsociety-630bcc6f2390?source=rss—-a49517e4c30b—4


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