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5 Facts You Must Know About CBD


Marijuana has been slowly getting out of its reputation as a gateway drug. And is increasingly being used in healthcare and medicine. People can now easily get a medical marijuana card in New York and visit their nearest dispensaries to buy their doses. Such widespread use and positive results promoted more research on the marijuana plant. And led to different discoveries including that of the trending cannabinoid, CBD.

Lately, CBD has been all over the place. Literally. At least once during the day, I see these three letters somewhere on the internet. And why not? It has proven to be of great benefit in different spheres. You can now find CBD in food, beverages, beauty items and even in pet products. Everyone has been hopping on this bandwagon of CBD. Most of which are celebrities and athletes. So before you also start using this cannabinoid. Here are 5 facts about CBD that you must know.

CBD is Non-Intoxicating

All the high that is usually associated with Cannabis is due to the cannabinoid called Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. As for CBD, you will not experience any sort of high or intoxication. Even if you overdose on it. This is mainly because of the different ways these two components react to the CB receptors. While THC activates the receptors and causes a euphoric feeling. CBD actually blocks the same CB receptors. Hence not really impacting your cognitive performance. Also, because of the different ways THC and CBD behave in the body. CBD is actually used to reduce the intoxication caused by THC. So, if you wish to get the benefits of marijuana. CBD is the way to go as it has a good safety profile.

It is legal but also illegal

The confusion is the statement can be extended to the legality of CBD. Here’s why. As per the 2018 Farm Bill passed by the federal government. The threshold amount of THC for any marijuana product is 0.3 percent. Anything beyond this amount is classified as a Schedule 1 drug. Now, the CBD products that you find in the market are extracted from industrial hemp which qualifies the criteria of the Farm Bill. So, CBD is legal under federal law. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve of including the drugs in food, beverages and other products.

So, you must always make sure that CBD products have third-party test results on their labels. Or just always buy from a trusted and licensed dispensary.

It has different types

Depending upon the extraction process and the parts involved in the making of CBD. There are 3 categories. Full-spectrum CBD, Broad Spectrum CBD and CBD isolate. A full-spectrum CBD is made from the entire hemp plant and has the same chemical profile as is found in the plant. So this type may have some traces of THC but not enough to get you high. Broad-spectrum is also made from all plant matter but does not contain THC. A CBD isolate only contains pure CBD which has been separated from other plant components.

CBD oil and Hemp oil are different

CBD oil and hemp oil are two different things. Though both are derived from the hemp plant. But, CBD oil is made from the stem, leaves, flowers and stalk of the plant. Whereas hemp oil is made from hemp seeds. And the only part of the hemp plant that has no traces of CBD is its seeds. So while CBD oil obviously has CBD. Hemp oil has does not have any traces of it.

CBD has side effects

CBD has its set of side effects just like every other medication. You can experience nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, dry mouth etc. after consuming CBD. Also, some people can be allergic to this cannabinoid which can be identified with similar symptoms. This is why it is important to find the right dose with microdosing and consult a professional before using CBD.

Final thoughts

CBD is loved by thousands in America for various reasons. Mainly because it is safe and gives all the benefits without giving you the high. So if you are one of those people who wish to know what the hype of marijuana is all about. Begin your journey with CBD. And experience the benefits.

Source: https://www.nymedicalcard.com/blog/5-facts-you-must-know-about-cbd/


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