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Whitepaper: Dynamic value network optimization in the automotive industry


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Players in the automotive industry must be prepared for external factors that will have a long-lasting effect on supply chain infrastructure.

Faced with unknown foreign trade risks, changes in demand patterns and product mix as well as increasing commodity costs, supply chain network planners in the automotive industry face an uphill climb.

With ongoing concerns regarding import taxes on products, components or even material, it is very challenging for them to evaluate tradeoffs for sourcing and production locations. Additionally, supply chain network planners also need to examine the effects of these factors on profits and cost structures within the limits of relevant constraints.

Automotive manufacturers need to optimize value at every step of the supply chain to stay on top of the game.

In this industry paper, discover:

  • The limitations of legacy systems commonly used in the industry
  • How visualization of the actual planning process in a system — including visibility on all relevant planning knowledge, rules and assumptions — leads to more efficiency
  • How scenario planning helps to make better decisions

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Source: https://www.automotive-iq.com/electrics-electronics/whitepapers/whitepaper-dynamic-value-network-optimization-in-the-automotive-industry


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