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Hành khách dương tính với COVID lên chuyến bay hồi hương Ấn Độ


QANTAS-787-9-VH-ZNE-at-YMML-Tháng 2018-2-Victor-Pody-XNUMX
A Qantas 787-9, VH-ZNE, at YMML in July-2018 (Victor Pody)

A passenger on Friday’s Indian repatriation flight tested positive before boarding but was unable to get hold of his result before taking off.

Prabhjot Singh insisted he called and emailed Qantas in advance to make sure he was negative, but was told he would be allowed to fly.

The news will add to concerns about the accuracy of required pre-flight tests which has led to huge numbers of returnees testing positive for COVID in Australia’s hotel quarantine facilities. Late last year, a mandatory negative result was required for Australians to board a plane to return home.

On Friday, the first repatriation flight from India landed in Darwin after a three week pause.

The 787-9, VH-ZNE msn 63391, departed Delhi at 8:46pm on 14 May as flight QF112 and landed at 8:51am the next day. A total of 70 people were barred from boarding through either contracting COVID or being close contacts of someone who had.

Singh said he only received his positive PCR test result after landing in Darwin, despite calling both Qantas and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in advance.

“People started getting emails saying ‘sorry you are not on this flight’, so I rang Qantas again and said you must have something now, because people are getting emails,” he told the ABC. “They said no, if it is not updated on your ticket, probably you would be going.”


When his results came through on Saturday, he was taken to a more secure area of the Howard Springs facility.

Qantas said in response that it had reiterated to its diagnostic agency that it must ensure that all laboratories used have appropriate accreditations.

“We continue to work with DFAT to ensure the process is working as it should,” she said.

“The reason we went to India was to bring home as many Australians as possible. Together with DFAT all the protocols put in place were designed to minimise the risk of importing the virus and maximise the safety of everyone on board.”

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the government is working closely with Qantas on the testing regime.

“They’ll get every support from us. But it is a very difficult environment to operate in at the moment,” he said on Sunday.

A second Qantas flight is due to land in Monday morning.

The 787-9, VH-ZNH msn 36241, departed London at 9:33am on 16 May as flight QF110 and is due to land in Darwin at 9:55am.

It comes as India continues to battle its horrific second wave of COVID infections, which has seen nearly 400,000 new cases a day, and overrun hospitals struggling to provide oxygen to patients.

India’s total death toll is now nearing 260,000.

Cuối tháng trước, chính phủ liên bang đã ban hành lệnh cấm tạm thời đối với tất cả các chuyến bay từ Ấn Độ, tạm dừng tám chuyến hồi hương theo kế hoạch, do sự lây lan nhanh chóng của coronavirus trong nước.

Chính phủ sau đó đã coi đây là một tội ác chính thức đối với bất kỳ ai cố gắng thực hiện chuyến đi, bị trừng phạt với khoản tiền phạt 66,000 đô la.

One week later, Prime Minister Morrison announced that repatriation flights from India would resume once the temporary ban expires on 15 May, and said that as many as six repatriation flights could take place by the end of the month.

The PM said it would first target the 900 “most vulnerable” Australians stuck in India.

Thủ tướng Morrison cho biết: “Quyết định ban đầu áp dụng trật tự an toàn sinh học cho đến ngày 15 tháng XNUMX đã tỏ ra rất hiệu quả và nó sẽ hoạt động đầy đủ cho đến thời điểm đó mà không có bất kỳ thay đổi nào.

“Những gì chúng tôi sẽ làm là nhận chuyến bay hồi hương đầu tiên đến Lãnh thổ phía Bắc như một phần của thỏa thuận thuê tàu mà chúng tôi có… để mang những người đầu tiên từ Ấn Độ trở về vào thời điểm đó.

“Thách thức mà chúng tôi gặp phải với những người đến từ Ấn Độ là tỷ lệ nhiễm trùng cao hơn và áp lực lên hệ thống kiểm dịch”.

Sau đó, Thủ hiến NSW Gladys Berejiklian cho biết bà sẽ “vui lòng” tiếp nhận hành khách từ Ấn Độ, trong khi Victoria, SA và Queensland cũng được cho là đang xem xét giúp đỡ tải trọng.

The move to stop repatriating expats in India was a blow to the more than 9,000 in the country who are registered with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade as wanting to return.

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Source: https://australianaviation.com.au/2021/05/covid-positive-passenger-boarded-indian-repatriation-flight/

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