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TruDiagnostic and NADMED launch new blood diagnostic in US




Health data company TruDiagnostic has entered a new partnership with Finnish nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) diagnostic company NADMED to launch a new NAD+ blood diagnostic test for patients in the US.

Claimed to be the only CE-marked NAD+ testing product, the Q-NADMED Blood Kit can measure NAD+ and NADH from a small blood sample for several clinical applications.

NADMED testing kits are said to facilitate precise and quantitative detection of metabolites in a sample using knowledge of standards for the preparation and preservation of NAD.

The kits use an extraction technique that is suitable for all blood samples and apply a safe detection method, stated the company.

NAD+/NADH is a metabolite that is related to ageing and several other diseases.

Unusual levels of these metabolites have been connected to improper immune function, metabolic disease, dementia and neurodegeneration, and heart disease.

NAD+/NADH is essential to sustaining optimal function in the body.

NADMED CEO and co-founder Jari Närhi said: “We appreciate TruDiagnostic’s agile, yet diligent approach to introducing novel technology to their customers in the US market.

“We foresee a fruitful cooperation to continuously develop business and service models to meet the needs for NAD testing of the varied customer base.”

With expertise in understanding and interpreting the fluid epigenome, TruDiagnostic is involved in various clinical trials that assess the effectiveness of products that claim to provide anti-ageing benefits.

Furthermore, it is engaged in research projects to create and validate other algorithms for tracking ageing and disease.

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