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The universe of Genesis Noir expands for free with The Astronomy Update


genesis noir astronomy update

Did you love Genesis Noir when it released back in 2021? Feel that you need more? You’re in luck as today the Genesis Noir universe has expanded – all thanks to the new free The Astronomy Update. 

Rolling out today for Genesis Noir players on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, PC and Mac (with support across Steam, Humble, GOG and Epic), The Astronomy Update builds out on what was delivered in the brilliant base game with new extra levels. 

The Astronomy Update will see you jumping back into the jazz-fuelled cosmic universe of Genesis Noir as you look to reveal the constellations of Golden Boy, No Man and Miss Mass. You’ll also be able to take a trip and visit Stonehedge and – just to round things off – take in future worlds should you so wish too. 

No matter whether you’re a new space cadet falling into the wonderfully unique Genesis Noir for the very first time as this update hits, or are an old fan who has previously placed the game in their favourite titles of 2021 – just like we did, fitting Genesis Noir into our best Indie games of 2021 – the new The Astronomy Update should surely deliver. 

The trailer below is able to provide a little insight into what you’ll be getting, but basically all you need to do is fire up Genesis Noir today on your favourite format and enjoy what The Astronomy Update brings. 

If you don’t yet have the game, you’ll find Genesis Noir available on the usual digital stores of Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S (that’ll be the Xbox Store, then), Nintendo Switch and both PC and Mac. 

Let us know if you’re be getting your cosmic buzz once more. The comments are below and we’re kicking around on all the usual social channels.


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