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Tag: wires

Development Of Capacitance Measurement Unit For A System Level Tester

By BeomSeok Kim, SeongHwan Kim, Unki Kim, SeongBeom Cho, DongHo Seo, and SangHun Yun In back-end semiconductor processing it is important to improve the performance...

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Research Bits: June 18

Gallium nitride can take the heat Researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the UAE’s Technology Innovation Institute, Ohio State University, Rice University, and Bangladesh...

Technologies Improving Grid Resiliency are Needed to Respond to a Changing Climate | Cleantech Group

According to Climate Central, between 2000 and 2023, 80% of all U.S. power outages were due to weather-related events. Additionally, it was recorded that...

FDA clears Clario’s SpiroSphere® with wireless ECG, streamlining data collection in clinical trials | BioSpace

With the FDA 510(k) clearance of the COR-12 wireless ECG device now integrated with the SpiroSphere®, sponsors can conduct comprehensive respiratory trials with cardiac...

Flexible and stretchable microfluidic devices created by direct printing of silicone 3D microchannel networks

Jun 12, 2024 (Nanowerk News) The transition from traditional 2D to 3D microfluidic structures is a significant advancement in microfluidics, offering benefits in scientific and...

Silent Slayer: Vault of the Vampire Review: Tense VR Horror

Schell Games is one of the most exciting studios working in the VR space right now. With a diverse portfolio of hits like Among...

CPU designer Arm emphasizes usefulness of CPU cores for AI

Analysis Arm this week announced the availability of new top-end CPU and GPU designs ready made for system-on-chips for laptops, smartphones, and similar personal...

North Korea Sends 260 Balloons Filled With Faecal Matter to South Korea

Over 260 North Korean balloons filled with faeces and various waste were sent over the border all over South Korea. In a bizarre and provocative...

BoJ’s Adachi: Can’t say now whether Yen moves would affect economy, prices

Bank of Japan (BoJ) board member Seiji Adachi is back on the wires on Wednesday, expressing his take on the central bank’s monetary policy...

Atlas director says Jennifer Lopez’s dance skills were key to mech fights

A lifetime of scarfing down sci-fi, video games, and comic books brought director Brad Peyton to the job of said lifetime: directing Jennifer Lopez...

This Device Zaps the Spinal Cord to Give Paralyzed People Use of Their Hands Again

Melanie Reid was 52 years old when she hopped onto her horse, fell, and broke her neck. The resulting injury paralyzed her body below...

Cessna pilot ‘likely forgot’ about powerline before collision: ATSB

A Cessna 172N pilot who crashed in rural South Australia last year did not see the powerline they struck and “likely forgot” it was...

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