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Tag: Visualisation

Manufacturing should use VR to enhance rather than replace

Manufacturing should use VR to enhance rather than replace - 1

A manufacturing company in Thailand is hoping to open up its factories to new visitors using VR technology

The post Manufacturing should use VR to enhance rather than replace appeared first on VRWorldTech Magazine.

Using Mempool.space to calculate bitcoin miner fees

As the price of bitcoin has gone in an upward trend over the last few months, one of the knock-on effects of this is that sending transactions at previously normal fees can lead to massive delays in them confirming, or as I’ve had happen at least twice so far this year, transactions that got stuck and I had to wait about a fortnight for them to drop out of the mempool for me to be able to send them again (although thankfully Trezor Suite has just introduced replace by fee). For a long time, I’ve used Ethereum Gas Station for

The post Using Mempool.space to calculate bitcoin miner fees first appeared on Bitcoins In Ireland.

Coding for Kids: 24 Free Websites that Teach Programming

Coding for kids is the new literacy. It covers various aspects of a kid’s learning, logic building, systematic thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and creativity. You...

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