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Why You Don’t Need to be a 10x Engineer

Who is a “10x Engineer”?Is it someone who writes thousands of lines of code every day? Is it someone who pushes new...

Swarm Intelligence could be the Key to More Accurate Sports Betting

Share... Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit StumbleUpon Tumblr Print email You don’t see many traffic jams in the bee worldPhoto by Jordan Schwartz Artificial intelligence has been shown to have tremendous predictive power in...

Trending Blockchain Social Media News #28 : June 25th, 2019

YouTube to Remove Thousands of Videos Pushing Extreme Views "...YouTube announced plans on Wednesday to remove thousands of videos and channels that advocate...

Unbabel Guide to Customer Satisfaction

“Our biggest thing is to make sure the customer gets a delivery by the time we say they’re going to get a delivery...

Mortys Are Bribing Their Way To The Top Of The EOS Blockchain.

The EOS community really stepped up the fun this week as Mortys hit the stage running! On June 6th, 2019 the Mortys...

5 of the Best Domestic Robots for Your Home

Share... Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit StumbleUpon Tumblr Print email Automatic Gadgets That are a Boon for Busy People You are already 50% less tired when you come back from work to a neat...

AI Software in the Workplace – How It Can Upskill Employees

Share... Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit StumbleUpon Tumblr Print email A lot of credit for the fast-changing way we work goes to artificial intelligence. AI and machine learning are increasingly powering workplace platforms...

Robotics Pioneer Nils Nilsson Passes Away at 86

Share... Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit StumbleUpon Tumblr Print email Nils Nilsson, a pioneer in the field of robotics and considered by many to be a foundational force for artificial intelligence, died after...

Immortalize Your Terrible Tweets on the Blockchain for the Low, Low Price of $9

UPDATE: Immediately after posting this article, the @totheblockchain account was suspended by Twitter. Jonathan Otto is working to get the account restored. We...

White House Sets The Most Unclear and Ambiguous AI Goal Yet

Share... Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit StumbleUpon Tumblr Print email Notwithstanding the fact that America is a full two years behind China in terms of a national AI strategy, the Trump administration has...

AI Ethics Guidelines from Diverse Groups: The Consensus?

Share... Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit StumbleUpon Tumblr Print email We are yet to see a holistic framework for the ethical development of artificial intelligence applications that can be applied to every industry...

AWS DL (Deep Learning) Containers: Rapidly Deploy Custom Machine Learning Environments

Share... Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit StumbleUpon Tumblr Print email AWS recently released a service called AWS DL Containers aimed at deep learning researchers. The service involves pre-configuring and validating Docker images and...

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