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Tag: tweet

The Good, The Bad and The Libra – Are We Now Exiting The Blockchain Wild Wild We…

What was once considered avant-garde is now considered normal, boring even. Societies are scared of change and tend to embrace it reluctantly, if...

Great Contractors Available on Upwork

For the past five years, Chandan and Api Saha have been working to manage the content of the Your Mark on the World...

New tweet generator mocks venture capitalists

“Airbnb’s unit economics are quite legendary — the S-1 is going to be MOST disrupted FASTEST in the next 3 YEARS? Caps for...

Kindhumans Ethical Store Accepts Crypto: Why This Matters

When mass adoption? That’s the question on the minds of so many crypto fans. The short answer is that nobody knows ‘if’ or...

The Future Impacts of Driverless Cars

Share... Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit StumbleUpon Tumblr Print email The way we drive is changing. From futuristic Hollywood movies to sci-fi fiction novels, the idea of driverless cars has been around for...

Holochain Review: DLT Trying to Make Blockchains Obsolete

Holochain is a project that many say is set to change the way we think about Distributed Ledger Technology. As a result, interest...

Nano Review: Instant, Zero Fees and Scalable

Nano is probably one of the most promising “payment” cryptocurrencies in the altcoin space today. The coin makes use of some really advanced technologies...

Litecoin creator is helping HTC build a secure blockchain phone

Litecoin LTC creator Charlie Lee is helping HTC make sure its upcoming blockchain-powered phone has everything to please the regular cryptocurrency enthusiast. In a...

Tech Tips to Upgrade to a Smart Home

Share... Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit StumbleUpon Tumblr Print email The 21st century is the century of the smart home. Soon, all our appliances and electronics will be integrated and web-ready, uploading data...

6 Cars That Are Pioneering Self-Driving Technology

Share... Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit StumbleUpon Tumblr Print email The thought of self-driving cars seems like a futuristic fever dream you imagined during your early childhood. Though we may still be eons...

SundayThoughts: Blockchain, Decentralization and Distributed Ledger Technology! You either believe in them or you don’t. Those that do, shouldn’t knock those that don’t and...

Latest tweet I thought I would share with you the latest tweet I have just posted. The tweet reads... Blockchain, Decentralization and Distributed Ledger Technology.!! You either...

France’s blockchain ambitions get a boost with new accelerator and surprising government support

The launch of a new European blockchain accelerator in Paris this week is one of many indicators of just how dramatically...

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