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Tag: triage

Doctors are shaking their heads in confusion as they watch patients who should be gasping for air, but aren’t

Some have dubbed them "happy hypoxics," a terrible misnomer for what could be a long, slow recovery -- or worse.The proper medical term...

How is AI extending customer support during COVID-19 pandemic

With over 3 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 throughout the world and more than 200,000 deaths to date since the first report; coronavirus has spread wreaking havoc on any back-office operation, and more intensely on call centers throughout the globe. For a couple of years now, organizations have only been theorizing the possibility of AI […]

The post How is AI extending customer support during COVID-19 pandemic appeared first on Mantra Labs.

Global COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is a serious global health threat and CDC is committed to stopping the global spread. CDC has a...

Anticipating Necessary Medical Devices: Covid-19 Edition

Anticipating necessary medical devices during periods of uncertainty is a daunting task. There's a good chance you’ve been dealing with the immediate needs of responding to the coronavirus pandemic. And with all the uncertainty, you don’t know what to plan for. When we come out of this crisis, it will be into a changed world. [...]

Combating COVID-19: Best Practices That Clinicians Need to Know

As the number of global cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) rises, it is imperative that healthcare providers stay informed and prepared with the...

Healthcare Professional Preparedness Checklist For Transport and Arrival of Patients With Confirmed or Possible COVID-19

Healthcare Personnel Preparedness Checklist for COVID-19 pdf icon Front-line healthcare personnel in the United States should be prepared to evaluate patients for coronavirus...

How Four Programmers Got Their First Python Jobs

No one really knows how to do a job before they do it. Most people land a coveted position through a strange alchemy...

The future of CS? Intercom’s Ryan Steinberg says automation and chatbots

Ryan Steinberg is the Associate Manager of Global Support Operations at Intercom. He joined the company four years ago as a Customer Service...

Will AI do to services what machines did to manufacturing?

The story of automation has sometimes gotten caught up in familiar tropes: Robots are coming to take away everybody’s jobs.Perhaps a more imaginative...

The rise and fall of the English language

If you’re reading this in the original English it was written (rather than our translations in Chinese, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish or Italian), perhaps it’s not...

How Artificial Intelligence is changing the SaaS Landscape

There is no one moment when SaaS – Software as a Service – was conceived, because SaaS as a concept has a host...

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