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Tag: threats

Your Patch Management Will be Successful Only If

Reading Time: 3 minutesThere are a few rules associated with patch management which everyone implementing these tools should know to make the most...

Understanding and Mitigating Bashware and Similar Threats

Reading Time: 3 minutesEvery component of an operating system adds new functionality, and at the same time, creates potential openings for new forms...

Top Questions Investors Ask Part 2

“Be prepared, work hard, and hope for a little luck. Recognize that the harder you work and the better prepared you are, the...

Endpoint Security – Most Enterprises May Be Wasting Money on Ineffective Solutions

Reading Time: 3 minutesThere are endpoint security solutions but there are better endpoint security solutions. There are so many endpoint security solutions available that...

The Evolution of SSL and TLS

Reading Time: 3 minutesSSL and TLS are often used interchangeably as they are closely related. Both are online communication protocols and serve the...

Comodo Ascendant as Symantec sells its Certificate Business

Reading Time: 3 minutesSymantec announced it is selling its website certification business to Digicert. Symantec customers and partners now may face potential uncertainty...

5 Points to Consider When Evaluating Next-Generation Endpoint Security Products

Reading Time: 3 minutesEndpoints are extremely vulnerable to security breaches. Hackers find endpoints to channel out infectious attacks through advanced persistent threats and...

Tackling Cyber Security Threats in 2017

Reading Time: 3 minutesBusinesses are on a helter-skelter as the current waves of cyber attacks make them double their efforts in protecting their...

The 4th of July and the State of Online Security

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe Fourth of July is an opportunistic time for shoppers to buy products that are currently in season with the...

Consulting – Systems Integration – Technology Advisory Consultant

Here at BitcoinsInIreland.com, we regularly post information which have come in via our alerts relating to bitcoin and blockchain employment in Ireland. You...

Petya Ransomware | How It Spreads and How to Stay Ahead

After an examination of the encryption routine of the malware utilized as a part of the Petya/ExPetr assaults, experts understand that the malware...

Best 10 Features of an Effective Endpoint Security Strategy

Reading Time: 4 minutesWith overwhelming cyber attacks happening through malicious apps on mobile devices, security geeks are to intensify the endpoint security measures...

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