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Tag: Thin film

Quantum material exhibits ‘non-local’ behavior that mimics brain function

Aug 08, 2023 (Nanowerk News) We often believe computers are more efficient than humans. After all, computers can complete a complex math equation in...

Solar Panel Cost in Maryland – Demo King Solar

If you live in Maryland, then you’ve got the best geographical area for installing the solar panels. Maryland has lots of sunny weather all...

In a First, Scientists Just Observed Metal That Can Self-Heal

If you’ve seen the Terminator movies, you may remember the shape-shifting humanoid robot T-1000. Made of liquid metal, T-1000 could instantly self-heal bullet wounds...

Researchers grow precise arrays of nanoLEDs

ADVERTISEMENT Researchers grow precise arrays of nanoLEDs by Adam Zewe for MIT News Boston MA (SPX) Jul 08, 2023 Halide perovskites are a family of...

Discovering features of band topology in amorphous thin films

Jun 30, 2023 (Nanowerk News) In recent years, scientists have been studying special materials called topological materials, with special attention paid to the shape,...

Leveraging Quantum Light Within Deployable Quantum Sensors

A technical paper titled “Integrated quantum optical phase sensor in thin film lithium niobate” was published by researchers at Stanford University and NTT Research. Abstract: “The...

USTC enhances fluorescence brightness of single silicon carbide spin color centers

ADVERTISEMENT USTC enhances fluorescence brightness of single silicon carbide spin color centers by Staff Writers Beijing, China (SPX) Jun 09, 2023 In a study published...

Nanotechnology Now – Press Release: USTC enhances fluorescence brightness of single silicon carbide spin color centers

Home > Press > USTC enhances fluorescence brightness of single silicon carbide spin color centersAbstract:In a study published online in Nano Letters, the...

‘Heat highways’ could keep electronics cool

ADVERTISEMENT 'Heat highways' could keep electronics cool by Staff Writers Washington DC (SPX) Jun 07, 2023 As smart electronic devices become smaller and more powerful,...

Layers of self-healing electronic skin realign autonomously when cut

Jun 01, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Human skin is amazing. It senses temperature, pressure, and texture. It’s able to stretch and spring back, time and...

Coherent magnon-induced domain-wall motion in a magnetic insulator channel – Nature Nanotechnology

Kruglyak, V. V., Demokritov, S. O. & Grundler, D. Magnonics. J. Phys. D. 43, 264001 (2010).Serga, A. A., Chumak, A. V. & Hillebrands, B....

Artificial Synapses Prove Imperfection is Not a Hindrance

Artificial Synapses Prove Imperfection is Not a HindranceArtificial intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic in recent years, with many researchers and scientists working...

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