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Tag: THC

Why Fonts Matter

USING FONTS TO CONNECT As the U.S. continues to legalize the use, cultivation, and sales, of both medicinal and recreational cannabis, industry...

Cannabis: a New Political Celebrity for Partisan Rhetoric?

CANNABIS: A NEW POLITICAL CELEBRITY FOR PARTISAN RHETORIC? On one side of the fence sits Senator Elizabeth Warren (Democrat) and Senator Cory...

Hey Massachusetts! What’s the Recreational Cannabis Hold-Up?

HEY MASSACHUSETTS! WHAT’S THE RECREATIONAL CANNABIS HOLD-UP? Almost two months ago, on July 1st, Massachusetts was given the legal go-ahead to sell...

Has California Banned Hemp Derived CBD Products?

HAS CALIFORNIA BANNED CBD IN FOOD? On July 6th 2018, The California Department of Public Health (CDPH), and the Food and Drug...

The Beginner’s Guide To Growing Marijuana

Growing marijuana can be tricky, especially when it’s your first time around. Mistakes are easy to make and can lead to a disappointing...

Weed Tea: Recipes and Best Brands

How To Make Weed Tea With StemsIf you’ve ever grown your own weed, you’ve probably found yourself with a bunch of leftover stems...

So, What’s Going on with Legalized Cannabis in Vermont?

SO, WHAT’S GOING ON WITH LEGALIZED CANNABIS IN VERMONT? It’s been a significant year so far for cannabis advocates in Vermont....

What is Butane Hash Oil & How Is It Made?

Image Source Butane hash oil, more commonly known as BHO, is a concentrated form of cannabis created using the chemical butane as a solvent. BHO...

What is Butane Hash Oil & How Is It Made?

Image Source Butane hash oil, more commonly known as BHO, is a concentrated form of cannabis created using the chemical butane as a solvent. BHO...

Here’s Where You Can Study Cannabis In College

Image Source Interested in making cannabis your career? While cannabis programs are few and far between, progressive universities have begun to develop cannabis curriculums. From...

The Ultimate Guide To Growing Organic Weed

Image source: The cannabis industry has a contamination problem. In a 2015 report published in the Journal of Toxicological science, over 80 percent of 57 concentrate...

What To Do If You Overdose On Edibles

Image Source Edibles are amazing. But, if you eat too many of them, you may find yourself in the middle of a very bad...

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