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Tag: THC

How Cannabis Companies Succeed on Twitter

Since it’s conception, the platform has given helped start movements through countless hashtags. However, even with 326M monthly active users and 500M daily tweets, the channel is still an enigma to many.

The post How Cannabis Companies Succeed on Twitter appeared first on Cannabis Marketing Agency in California | CannaVerse Solutions.

2019 is the Year of THCV

2018 was the year of CBD (Cannabidiol) as you either heard about it, tried it in one form or another, or knew someone who had. But that was 2018 and now it’s 2019, and THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin) is quickly becoming the current cannabinoid to watch.

The post 2019 is the Year of THCV appeared first on Cannabis Marketing Agency in California | CannaVerse Solutions.

Awesome Cannabis Web Design – 420 website breakdown

Cannabis web design is booming. 420 entrepreneurs are creative, fun, smart and know how to use branding to build awesome websites. Let's take a look at some great examples.

The post Awesome Cannabis Web Design – 420 website breakdown appeared first on Cannabis Marketing Agency in California | CannaVerse Solutions.

Build National Awareness for your Cannabis Brand with a Hemp-Derived CBD Line

On December 20, 2018, the U.S. Federal Government authorized the removal of hemp from the Schedule I controlled substances list, converting it into an ordinary agricultural commodity overnight. As such, the country’s already seeing evidence of the range of hemp-derived CBD products that are set to take the industry by storm in 2019.

The post Build National Awareness for your Cannabis Brand with a Hemp-Derived CBD Line appeared first on Cannabis Marketing Agency in California | CannaVerse Solutions.

10 Best cannabis dispensary branding examples of 2019

Check out the best dispensary branding and design examples of 2019. These are the dispensaries to look out for in California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington and more!

The post 10 Best cannabis dispensary branding examples of 2019 appeared first on Cannabis Marketing Agency in California | CannaVerse Solutions.

How to Build and Market a Disruptive CBD Brand in 2019

THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO STARTING A CBD BUSINESS IN 2019 Oklahoma, California, Colorado… little by little, state by state, the U.S. continues...

Emerald Farm Tours: CannaTourism in the Regulated Market

EMERALD FARM TOURS A little over a year ago, a creative individual, with 16 years experience in both cannabis policy reform and...

Is Fibromyalgia Caused by an Insufficiency of the Endocannabinoid System?

Cannabis could be the only treatment necessary to alleviate the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia syndrome. What is Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS)? That definition or diagnosis varies depending on the type of practitioner you ask and their belief of what this condition truly is. The reason for this is the fact that there is no “golden standard”...

The post Is Fibromyalgia Caused by an Insufficiency of the Endocannabinoid System? appeared first on Nature's Way Medicine.

HempCoin: Blockchain for Agriculture and Cannabis

HempCoin was created in 2014 and according to their website; they were one of the first 30 cryptocurrencies. It is based on PIVX...

Our Top 10 List of CBD Brands

FINDING THE BEST IN A BOOMING MARKET There are so many CBD brands out there that choosing which one to go for,...

Why Fonts Matter

USING FONTS TO CONNECT As the U.S. continues to legalize the use, cultivation, and sales, of both medicinal and recreational cannabis, industry...

Cannabis: a New Political Celebrity for Partisan Rhetoric?

CANNABIS: A NEW POLITICAL CELEBRITY FOR PARTISAN RHETORIC? On one side of the fence sits Senator Elizabeth Warren (Democrat) and Senator Cory...

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