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Tag: subsets

Resolvin D1 delivery to lesional macrophages using antioxidative black phosphorus nanosheets for atherosclerosis treatment – Nature Nanotechnology

Moore, K. J. & Tabas, I. Macrophages in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Cell 145, 341–355 (2011).Article  CAS  PubMed  ...

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Unifying Payment Systems: Embracing ISO 20022 for Global Interoperability

In recent years, the world of payments has been undergoing a significant transformation. Historically, international payments were dominated by major players like SWIFT, VISA, MasterCard,...

Accelerate Mixtral 8x7B pre-training with expert parallelism on Amazon SageMaker | Amazon Web Services

Mixture of Experts (MoE) architectures for large language models (LLMs) have recently gained popularity due to their ability to increase model capacity and computational...

Identifying Seller Exhaustion Across Multiple Timeframes

Executive Summary:During a Bull Market regime, long-term investors are generally highly profitable. Therefore, the dominant source of realized loss originates from the Short-Term Holder...

Ethical AI: Tackling bias and ensuring fairness in machine learning algorithms

One of the most recognizable trends of the early years of the 21st century has been the spread and application of AI (Artificial Intelligence)...

A Beginner’s Guide to the Top 10 Machine Learning Algorithms – KDnuggets

Image by Author  One of the fields that underpins data science is machine learning. So, if you want to get into data science, understanding...

Data Warehouse vs. Database – DATAVERSITY

What are data warehouses and databases? How are they different, and when should you use a data warehouse vs. database to store data? Below,...

Top 5 University Courses to Learn Databases and SQL

IntroductionProficiency with databases and SQL is essential for many job choices in today’s tech-driven world, from ambitious software engineers to fledgling data professionals. In...

Streamline Your Machine Learning Workflow with Scikit-learn Pipelines – KDnuggets

Image by Author  Using Scikit-learn pipelines can simplify your preprocessing and modeling steps, reduce code complexity, ensure consistency in data preprocessing, help with hyperparameter...

E&Y Report on The Rise of Music Publishing India: Reflections from an IPR Perspective

Every year, a diverse community of over 40,000 music creators in India produces a remarkable 20,000 to 25,000 original songs! This sector contributes substantially...

20 Technologies in Data Science for Professionals

Introduction As internet usage grows, companies leverage data for innovation and competitive advantage. With 66.2% of the global population connected to the internet as of...

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