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Tag: SSRIs

Can Psychedelics Improve Mental Health? | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionDuring traumatic periods and their aftermath, our brains can fall into habitual ways of thinking that may be helpful in the short run but...

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The Biggest Discoveries in Biology in 2023 | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionRevolutions in the biological sciences can take many forms. Sometimes they erupt from the use of a novel tool or the invention of a...

Cannabinoids and the gut microbiome

Because there are so many points of contact between the cells of our body and our microbiome, virtually any change to your lifestyle will...

U.S. approval for psychedelic drug MDMA nears after success in clinic

The psychedelic drug MDMA edges closer towards FDA approval for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the U.S., after promising results of...

What is monotherapy for depression? | Synergy Research Center San Diego

Depression is a complex mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While various treatments exist, one approach gaining attention is monotherapy. In...

10 Tips to Help Manage Anxiety | Synergy Research Center San Diego

Recognizing the Symptoms of GADMost people feel nervous before walking into a job interview, giving a speech, taking a big test, or making an...

Scientists Now Know Why Psychedelics Conquer Depression Even Without a High

Everyone is raving about hallucinogens as the future of antidepressants.LSD (better known as acid), psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic mushrooms), and the “spirit...

NYTimes: Are You Addicted to Weed?

The New York Times is asking: are you addicted to weed? And if you were, would you even know?That’s what the “paper of record,”...

Antidepressants Numb Emotions Says New Study — Time To Switch To Cannabis?

Emotional blunting, also referred to as numbness, is common among people who medicate with antidepressants. When this occurs, one can neither feel happy nor sad. You simply...

Antidepressants Numb Your Emotions Says New Study, Time to Switch to Cannabis?

Emotional blunting, also referred to as numbness, is common among people who medicate with antidepressants. When this occurs, one can neither feel happy nor...

The Cause of Depression Is Probably Not What You Think

IntroductionPeople often think they know what causes chronic depression. Surveys indicate that more than 80% of the public blames a “chemical imbalance” in the...

New Study of Ketamine for Depression Disorders Gets FDA Approval, But Not Medical Marijuana

The need for intense clinical research on the medical potentials of ketamine has always existed, however getting approval for such research has always been...

Psilocybin Causes ‘Significant Reduction’ in Symptoms of Depression, Largest of its Kind Study Shows

At the American Psychiatric Association (APA) 2022 Annual Meeting that began on May 21 in New Orleans, Louisiana, COMPASS Pathways unveiled the “largest randomized,...

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