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Tag: Since 2020

COVID-19 lockdowns boosted astronomy publications but worsened the gender gap, finds study

Astronomers published more papers per year during the COVID-19 pandemic than they did beforehand –...

Analysts Advise ETH Users To Avoid Transacting During The Merge – Cryptocurrency News | Bitcoin News | Cryptonews

Analysts advise ETH users to avoid transacting during the Merge day because many things can go wrong on the day of the big update. With...

Can You Still Make Money Mining Monero in 2023?

<!-- --> Monero (XMR) is an interesting cryptocurrency that sits at the very heart and ethos of what a true decentralized,...

Across the Pond: The European Transportation Market (July 2022)

Author’s Note: I was asked by Transporeon (a Talking Logistics sponsor) to look at what is happening in the European transportation market and they...

Biotech Networks Launches Three New US Hubs for BIO 2022, Empowering the Life Science Industry to Make Vital Regional and Global Connections

New Biotech Networks Hubs in Texas, Colorado, Utah and North Carolina Will Extend the Organization’s Reach to Now Include Ten Life Science HotbedsSAN DIEGO,...

Have you herd? Federally funded study finds CBD diet reduces stress in cattle – Medical Marijuana 411

March 7, 2022Feeding cattle high-CBD industrial hemp can help reduce stress and potentially boost health, according to a new study published in Scientific Reports. Ranchers...

Why Private Equity is at Risk for Ransomware Attacks

Cyber threats continue to evolve at a rapid pace, challenging even the most operationally mature firms to properly manage the risks. According to Tech Republic,...

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