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Tag: shift left

A faster prototyping device-under-test connection

When discussing FPGA-based prototyping, we often focus on how to pour IP from a formative SoC design into one or more FPGAs so it...

APIs & the Software Supply Chain — Evolving Security for Today’s Digital Ecosystem

Securing APIs requires both a "shift left" methodology and "shield right" action.

Leveraging Virtual Platforms to Shift-Left Software Development and System Verification

Ever since the cost of development started growing exponentially, engineering teams have been deploying a shift-left strategy to software development and system verification. While this has helped contain cost and accelerated product development schedules, a shift-left strategy is not without challenges. A virtual platform… Read More

The post Leveraging Virtual Platforms to Shift-Left Software Development and System Verification appeared first on SemiWiki.

Power Now First-Order Concern In More Markets

No longer a separate set of requirements, designers are prioritizing both power and performance in markets where performance has been the main goal.

The post Power Now First-Order Concern In More Markets appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

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