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Tag: Security issues

On-prem AI is here, but cloudy problems it solves aren’t big

HPE discover Walking the floor at HPE's Discover show in Las Vegas last week, this vulture was left with the distinct impression that HPE...

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5 cybersecurity risks and challenges in supply chain | TechTarget

Supply chains are a potential playground for hackers. Due to complexity and the inherent reliance on partners, supply chains are rife with cybersecurity risks and...

Powered by Solana, Helios App Brings the Web3 Party to Music Streaming

Helios – a new app making waves in the Web3 music streaming space – has recently announced its integration with the Solana network. This...

Iran Signed Deal for 12 Mil-Series Rescue Helicopters with Russia in April, Official Says

The first units are scheduled to arrive this year, with the rest of the deliveries expected to be completed over the next three to...

How Not to Put Data Governance into Practice: Four Common Mistakes – DATAVERSITY

There’s a fair amount of high-level advice on the internet about implementing data governance, which means the practices an organization uses to ensure its...

Former OpenAI Safety Researcher Says ‘Security Was Not Prioritized’ – Decrypt

Former OpenAI safety researcher Leopold Aschenbrenner says that security practices at the company were "egregiously insufficient." In a video interview with Dwarkesh Patel posted...

StarkWare Reveals Ambitious Plan To Scale Bitcoin Through Controversial Upgrade – The Defiant

The move comes with a $1 million fund for researchers.StarkWare, the team that pioneered zero-knowledge-based rollups in 2018 and has been instrumental to scaling...

Frax Finance Founder Claims Inside Job at X Resulted in Account Hack

Sam Kazemian, founder of Frax Finance, has alleged that an inside job at X was responsible for the hack of the project’s official account. The...

14 Common Issues That Fail a Home Inspection

When you buy a house with a home inspection contingency, you get to have the property professionally inspected before you’re locked into your contract....

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