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Tag: scrapers

AI Backlash: Cara and ‘Not By AI’ Rage Against the Machine – Decrypt

A growing movement of creators and online platforms are expressly banning artificial intelligence (AI), labeling their websites as being free of generative AI content...

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How to use web scraping for lead generation and sales?

Lead generation is the heartbeat of all businesses. Without an effective lead-generation process, any business cannot grow and sustain for long. Traditionally, lead generation...

Using proxy servers for SEO tools: Enhancing your digital strategy

In the competitive landscape of online marketing, achieving high rankings in search engine results is crucial for driving traffic, increasing visibility, and, ultimately, generating...

Science fiction writers hate what AI has done to copyright

The Science Fiction Writers Association (SFWA) has asked us all to imagine a future in which builders of AI models offer a price they're...

Telekopye: Chamber of Neanderthals’ secrets

We recently published a blogpost about Telekopye, a Telegram bot that helps cybercriminals scam people in online marketplaces. Telekopye can craft phishing websites, emails,...

Top 9 Incredible AI Advancements in Web Scraping using C#

Image Source: Pixabay Artificial intelligence tools are seemingly ten a penny these days, which is good news regardless of where your interests and aims lie. For...

How to Web Scrape Data from Websites That Rely on DataDome

Web scraping refers to using automation to get and extract data from websites. As a web scraper, you would mostly write scripts and use...

Guardians of the Internet: Power of Data Science in Bot Detection

Introduction This article presents an overview of the problem of bot detection, emphasizing the key challenges related to detecting bots. It explores various techniques and...

Bot traffic: What it is and why you should care about it

Bots have become an integral part of the digital space today. They help us order groceries, play music on our Slack channel, and...

Top 10 Web Scraping Tools in 2023

Web pages are filled with relevant data, but extracting data from multiple web pages daily for multiple purposes like competitive analysis, research, or more...

Utility Mat Turns Waste Epoxy Into Useful Tools

Epoxy is a great and useful material typically prepared by mixing two components together. But often we find ourselves mixing too much epoxy for...

From Data Collection to Model Deployment: 6 Stages of a Data Science Project

Image by Author  Data Science is a growing field. Let me support this with two different pieces of research. The first one is by Linkedin,...

Top 20 Digital Marketing Tools for 2023

Table of contents If you are a digital marketer looking to boost your marketing strategies and ROI, you will want to know...

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