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First ViaSat-3 pushing through pandemic challenges for 2022 launch

The first ViaSat-3 broadband satellite is on track to launch in the first half of 2022 despite ongoing pandemic-related challenges, according to Viasat’s recently appointed chief operating officer Kevin Harkenrider.


How to Sell Jewelry Online and Build a Store That Shoppers Love

Jewelry is a timeless and powerful part of the human experience.  According to the International Gem Society (IGS), the earliest…

How AI/ML Technology Integration Will Help Business in Achieving Goals in 2022

AI/ML systems have a wide range of applications in a variety of industries and sectors, and this article highlights the top ways AI/ML will impact your small business in 2022.

Best Cash Crop Strain: Fast-Growing Cannabis with High Yields

As long as people continue to enjoy consuming cannabis, there’s a market for growing marijuana. And when there’s a demand, there’s a profit to be made. As of May 2021, New York and New Jersey were in short supply of legal weed. New Jersey’s old dispensaries couldn’t keep up, and cannabis corporations dread the incoming ...

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The post Best Cash Crop Strain: Fast-Growing Cannabis with High Yields appeared first on I Love Growing Marijuana.

The Best Coins for Crypto-Backed Loans in 2022

Since the creation of Bitcoin in 2010, dozens of crypto projects have emerged. And in an ever-competitive market, they only secure patronage by innovating to meet fresh demands. This article examines the best coins for a crypto loan in 2022, providing arguments in favor of each one. Table of Contents Milestones of Popularity Why Take ... Read more

The post The Best Coins for Crypto-Backed Loans in 2022 first appeared on Blog.

The Cost of a Slot Machine

Slot machines might appear inexpensive, but the truth is they can come with a costly price tag. Read the full article to find out how much does a slot machine cost.

The post The Cost of a Slot Machine appeared first on BestCasinoSites.net.

Next-gen AMM holds successful round led by PolyChain’s Beacon Fund

InfinitySwap, a revolutionary next-generation AMM (Automated Market Maker) on the Dfinity ecosystem, is one of few companies to have successfully raised a $1.5 million dollar seed round, led by Polychain Capital's Beacon Fund with a16z and Dfinity as LPs. The round's other notable investors include Draft Ventures, cycle_dao, and a leading list of angels from the Dfinity ecosystem.

Having been dubbed the ‘Uniswap' of the Internet Computer (ICP) blockchain network, InfinitySwap intends to be one of the first AMMs to launch on Dfinity, bringing to market a number of exciting technologies and products.

Through the use of the Internet Computer's Chain-Key technology, InfinitySwap will be one of the first AMMs to enable staking directly from your Bitcoin wallet. This is a revolutionary new technology that enables smart contracts to take control of a BTC key - a valuable innovation that, when paired with the InfinitySwap AMM, will enable anyone with a BTC wallet to stake the asset through its protocol. 

This innovation is a significant advancement in the decentralization of finance. Currently, other platforms such as RenVM require 3rd party centralized custody of a user's BTC funds. The Internet Computer puts control back in the user's hands, enabling them to stake without third-party intervention. 

“Chain-key is a ground-breaking technology that will enable smart contracts or canisters on the Internet Computer to take control of BTC wallets. We want to bring BTC staking mainstream through our AMM, which will be one of the first launched on the Internet Computer,“ says InfinitySwap's CEO Max Chamberlin.

The InfinitySwap team is led by Max Chamberlin (CEO) and Alessandro Rietmann (CTO). Both individuals hold degrees from the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, specializing in computer science, cybersecurity, and high-performance networks. The founders have been developing in the blockchain space for over four years, having collaborated with key members of the Ethereum and Bitcoin research communities. 

InfinitySwap claims to have built a high-performing team of developers, which the founders believe will be key to their competitive advantage in this environment. Unlike EVM-compatible chains, building on the IC requires some technical expertise, as DeFi protocols cannot simply be forked. 

InfinitySwap is not the first project to raise on the Internet Computer. Most recently, the Origyn Protocol, which had Paris Hilton as a backer, raised $20m at a $300m valuation. Whether such valuations are justified pre-product in this Bullish market is an open question - notwithstanding those concerns, what has been established is that the market has a strong appetite for promising projects.

ICP fanatics may now wonder just how much VC-backed protocols like InfinitySwap and Origyn will be worth as they mature. 

About InfinitySwap

InfinitySwap is the platform to create, stake, and swap tokens on the Internet Computer.  The project is backed by top venture funds such as Polychain Capital and a16z's, as well as a number of leading lights from the Dfinity ecosystem who have invested as angels. 

InfinitySwap's founders have worked in crypto for the last four years and hold degrees from Oxford and Cambridge in Computer Science. They stress one of the core values of the team is technological excellence and bringing new products to market. 

The project will create completely new decentralised markets, such as its native Bitcoin staking, which allows a user to stake Bitcoin directly from their wallet leveraging Dfinity's Chain-Key technology. With a team of around 20 and growing, InfinitySwap is building the future of DeFi on the Internet Computer. More info on https://infinityswap.one

InfinitySwap team contact


Tested Tactics to Reduce Voluntary Churn and Retain Customer Loyalty

In e-commerce businesses today, customer success depends on not only growing your customer base, but also nurturing customer loyalty. Everyone wants to gain new accounts, but implementing marketing strategies that actually succeed becomes more expensive and difficult if a large number of the customers you acquire end up leaving on a regular basis.

The post Tested Tactics to Reduce Voluntary Churn and Retain Customer Loyalty appeared first on The 2Checkout Blog | Articles on eCommerce, Payments, CRO and more.

Is AI the Answer to Better Teamwork?

Innovative companies around the world are working on big problems, like treating cancer with mRNA vaccines and making autonomous cars safer. Addressing these complicated issues takes more than just an...

The post Is AI the Answer to Better Teamwork? appeared first on IP.com - IP Innovation and Analytics.

Are Real Estate Agents Necessary? (The Real Story)

Buying or selling a house is arguably the most critical financial transaction a person will ever make. One that you want to be sure is in safe hands! You may be wondering if hiring a real estate agent is necessary. In principle, buying a house may seem like an easy task. You set a price, negotiate, close the transaction, and that’s it, right? But in reality, it’s is not that simple. Every home is different, and the sale of each house is different from any other. The contracts, financing options, inspections, community expenses, and installations are specific to each property. Relying on DIY cookie-cutter templates can get you in big trouble. And that’s where real estate agents come in. Some people are wary of estate agents, seeing them as “salesmen” who are only interested in earning their commission. You’ll find that these professionals are there to offer their knowledge at … Continued

The post Are Real Estate Agents Necessary? (The Real Story) appeared first on FastExpert.

Modula’s New Guidebook Explores How e-Commerce Fulfillment Centers…

The growth rate of U.S. e-commerce sales nearly tripled in 2020, putting new strains on fulfillment centers. In their latest guidebook, the leading automated storage solutions manufacturer Modula...

(PRWeb December 28, 2021)

Read the full story at https://www.prweb.com/releases/modula_s_new_guidebook_explores_how_e_commerce_fulfillment_centers_can_overcome_covid_related_challenges/prweb18411905.htm

Power highly resilient use cases with Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift is the most popular and fastest cloud data warehouse, offering seamless integration with your data lake and other data sources, up to three times faster performance than any other cloud data warehouse, automated maintenance, separation of storage and compute, and up to 75% lower cost than any other cloud data warehouse. This post […]

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