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Which Is Better: Growing Cannabis Indoors Or Outdoors?

Should you consider growing your cannabis strain indoor or simply cultivating it outdoor? You might have to consider many things. The debate of whether indoor cannabis or outdoor cannabis cultivation is better has raged on for many years. The plant in itself is considered one of the oldest plants in human history. For much of cannabis cultivation history, the breeding processes were completed outdoors. So, essentially, the open space is considered the natural habitat of the cannabis plant. Although this is true, cannabis can also be cultivated indoor using a small space.

There is a long history about why breeders started growing their cannabis strain indoors, secretly in closed spaces. Historical records suggest that indoor cannabis cultivation began in the year 1911. That year, the state of Massachusetts placed a legislative ban on the cultivation of cannabis. In subsequent years, many defaulters continued to plant cannabis in remote open spaces far away from the prying eyes of the authorities. The anti-cannabis law spread beyond Massachusetts as other states soon began to clamp down on marijuana cultivation using the law.
In 1937, the federal government passed controversial legislation criminalizing the cultivation of marijuana.

The Marijuana Tax Act designated marijuana as a schedule 1 substance with ‘no beneficial medical use and a high tendency for abuse.' This law was strictly implemented, forcing marijuana farmers to consider new methods of farming. These new methods of forming completely changed how marijuana enthusiasts grow their favorite plant. To avoid state prosecution, cannabis farmers developed different methods of cultivating cannabis indoor. This movement gave birth to indoor cannabis farming tips and helped keep the seeds in circulation until favorable laws were passed.


Factors to Consider Before Selecting a Growing Method

Regardless of the method you've selected, there are many factors you need to consider. Not only will these factors guide your choice, but they will also help you consider making the necessary changes along the way.

1. Price

Both outdoor and indoor cultivation require that you incur a staging price. For indoor cultivation, it starts with securing a growing space. There are a few indoor enclosures you can purchase online. Since the equipment you need for both types of setup are a bit different, you should consider the price before selecting one. Indoor lighting and humidity control systems might also be needed. You might also need to erect a support shed as your plants transition into the flowering stage in outdoor cultivation. A good price estimate consideration will go a long way in helping you arrive at the best decision.


2. Climate Conditions

Get a better understanding of the climate in your city before you choose a method of cultivation. Indoor cultivation might be appropriate if the prevailing climate conditions can severely affect the productivity of your plant. You will want to consider this if you live in arid regions or areas with a long period of winter in a year. However, it is possible to grow your cannabis strain outdoor in the winter if you know a few tips on growing cannabis in cold temperatures. You might need the expertise of a plant scientist to help you review the influence of climate on plants grown in your region.


3. Quality

How well does your selected cannabis strain perform under both indoor and outdoor growing conditions? How tall can it grow? Answering this question will help you understand if your plant will be better outside or in an enclosed space. There are many cannabis strains that give better harvest returns when planted outdoor. However, many others also flourish in enclosed spaces. You should make inquiries about how the cultivation method affects your cannabis strain before making a purchase.

If you have considered these three factors but are still unsure whether to plant your cannabis outside or in an enclosed space, then you need to compare the pros and cons of both methods. We have carefully compared both methods, presenting to you an indoor versus outdoor cannabis cultivation comparison.


1. Cultivation Cost for Both Outdoor and Indoor Methods

The cost analysis is different for both methods. However, much of the cost involved with cannabis farming is indeed incurred in the early phase of cultivation.

a. Cost of Growing Cannabis Indoors

If you desire to maintain a steady harvest through the year with indoor cannabis cultivation, you must be ready to spend large. Indoor cultivation requires more equipment, and some of this equipment is not exactly cheap. Lightning alone can consume a huge part of your budget. In countries where energy is considered expensive, your lightning expenses might run into a few thousand dollars. If you are also growing your strain indoors with a non-soil growing medium, you have to get nutrients as your plant develops.

Some of the equipment you will need to purchase is not needed in outdoor cannabis farms. Some of the expensive equipment required indoors include;

  • A good lighting system
  • A sensitive hygrometer for humidity measurement
  • Humidifiers and dehumidifiers
  • Ventilation set up
  • Thermometer for temperature control


b. Cost of Growing Cannabis Outdoor

The first thing you notice with outdoor cannabis cultivation is that the equipment needed for an operational start-up is few. Compared to indoor cultivation, you spend less money procuring equipment. For example, a ventilation setup and lightning system are not required in outdoor farming if live in an area with ideal climatic conditions. There is also no need for a growth medium if you have access to fertile soil. Although, procuring fertilizers might be necessary if your plant requires supplemental nutrients. To protect your investment, you might need to install proper fencing or construct a plant shed. The point is; you spend less if you grow your cannabis outdoor.

2. Quality Comparison for both Outdoor and Indoor Cannabis Cultivation

If your strain can be grown both outdoor and indoor, the chances are that the quality of yield produced under both conditions is different.

a. Cannabis Quality Indoor

Growing cannabis indoor helps the farmer regulate growing conditions and set priorities for plant monitoring. As it stands, cross-breeding operations are better conducted indoors as the farmer can regularly monitor for yield and plant performance. In addition to all these, cannabis growing in enclosed indoor spaces is secured from outdoor unstable weather conditions. They are protected away from sandstorms, frost, excessive rainfall, and crushing heat.

Logically, you will expect that these plants grow better. This is exactly the case. The quality of cannabis plants grown indoors has significantly improved over the years. The buds are preserved in perfect condition until harvest, and the leaf is properly tendered. The stems are protected from the wind strains, and the flowers are protected from pests. Since fertilizer application is required, these plants get the right nutrients at the right proportion throughout the growing season. Proper tendering improved the quality of these plants.


b. Cannabis Quality Outdoor

Cultivating your preferred cannabis strain outdoor exposes you to a lot of risks. The natural weather conditions are unpredictable, leaving your plant at the mercy of wind, rain, snow, and heat. As it stands, only plants resistant to these harsh conditions can survive outdoor. They are also exposed to pests, including cannabis aphids and big rodents. However, if your planting soil is rich enough, your cannabis might come out with a good bud and flavor profile.

Hybrid Cannabis Cultivation; Combining Both Methods

Hybrid farming is fast becoming popular in the modern history of cannabis cultivation. This method combines the best of both indoor and outdoor farming methods. Many cannabis production companies are currently experimenting with growing different cannabis strains, partly indoor and partly outdoor. The cannabis plants are first planted outdoors using proven cannabis growing strategies. After the plants have been exposed to their natural habitat, they are subsequently transferred into specialized pots. The young cannabis plants are then transferred and tendered in state-of-the-art greenhouses. Here, the vegetative stage continues. On transitioning into the flowering stage, the plants are monitored regularly and supplied with nutrients if necessary. By combining the growing conditions from both outdoor and indoor cultivation, the hybrid cannabis cultivation method is tipped as the future of cannabis farming.


The Bottom Line

Frankly speaking, there is no definite answer to the question of whether cannabis should be planted indoor or outdoor. There are a lot of factors you need to consider before you select a method. If you live in a well-secured area and the weather conditions are fairly stable, you can consider outdoor farming. This also comes with the responsibility of regularly monitoring your plant. If not, you can simply opt for the indoor method. The debate might rage on, but there exists no definite answer.

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The post Striving With Mobile Ecommerce Website Design Optimization? Don’t Fret, Here’s What You Have to Do appeared first on Elogic.

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Marijuana and Fertilizers

Growing Your Marijuana with Fertilizers

Growing marijuana requires more than just sticking a few cannabis seedlings into the soil and waiting for its buds. In addition to carefully tracking its growth, cannabis demands a lot of careful tendering. Many times, the various inputs and skills required to properly groom and grow cannabis make the whole process capital and labor-intensive.
Depending on the size and quantity of your seedling, the input and skill required might differ considerably. However, if you are expecting a bountiful harvest, you might consider a few farming hacks that directly increase your plant yield. Fertilizer application is one of such methods to improve your harvest yield directly. Fertilizers are popular for this single purpose –they help you heck the growth processes, supplying nutrients that directly increase plant yields.


Your Fertilizer Options Can Include Pre-mixed or Organic

Cannabis farming benefits enormously from fertilizers. If you understand the basics and how to apply them, you are sure to get the best return on your cannabis investment. Ready-made fertilizers are available for purchase in stores and online agro-chemical stores. With this type of fertilizer, you have to follow the written instructions and apply the components to the soil. Most of the work has already been done; the mixed components have been prepared for easy application. Not all fertilizers are pre-mixed, for instance, application. You can decide to make yours at home. Home-made fertilizers can be made from biodegradable materials derived from animals or plants.
Your options in making organic fertilizers are quite plenty. Depending on the soil type, you can use different materials that can supply nutrients directly to your cannabis plant. While trying this out, you might want to steer clear of synthetic materials. Many times, these materials may be harmful to your plant or degenerate into chemicals that reduce the potency of your harvest. If you are not an expert in making homemade fertilizers, your best bet is the read-made alternative available in agrochemical stores.

What Nutrients are needed for Optimal Growth?

Marijuana is different from other plants cultivated today, as they require more nutrients than most common crops. Therefore, the nutrient mix required to increase output quality is different from these required by other plants. In addition, the mix required by the cannabis plant depends on the growth stage of the plant and the method of cultivation. If grown outdoors, powdered fertilizers can be added directly to the soil during seedling transplanting. If more nutrients are needed as the plants grow, fertilizers can be added to the topsoil in an application method called ‘top dressing.' Indoor cannabis growers typically use a liquid fertilizer mix. Fertilizers may be dissolved in water and sprayed on the plant or directly introduced into the bed.

The most common nutrients needed by cannabis during the growth cycle include;


Nitrogen is an important macronutrient responsible for regulating many biological processes of the growth processes. It is a fundamental component of the amino acids that build proteins strands in plants. Proteins strands are needed to improve the support systems of your cannabis plant. Soils that lack Nitrogen grow weak cannabis plants. Such plants are easily destroyed as the stems, flower support, and bud anchors appear weak.
Nitrogen is also an important component of ATP –a compound responsible for cellular control of energy in every plant. Increased levels of ATP production help provide energy and cellular nourishment for the cannabis plant. Nucleic acid, an essential component of DNA and RNA, is also made from the plant's Nitrogen store. Cannabis plants lacking these components will not grow properly, cell differentiation is disrupted, and plant growth becomes stunted.


2. Phosphorus

Phosphorus partakes in the cellular processes responsible for bud formation in cannabis plants. If present in an ideal volume, phosphorus triggers the production of large healthy buds. Marijuana strains with characteristic large buds reportedly have a nutrient-absorption mechanism that directly extracts phosphorus for bud formation. In addition to bud formation, phosphorus also helps build other structures of the cannabis plant. Underdeveloped roots and poorly formed flowers are typical signs of and Phosphorus deficiency. Discoloration of the leaves and the appearance of a purple hue in the leaf veins is another common indicator of phosphorus deficiency.


3. Potassium

Potassium completes the team of nutrients commonly referred to as NPK (Nitrogen: Phosphorus: Potassium). Potassium plays a significant role in osmoregulation –the regulation of water and salt concentration balance in the plant. This process keeps the plant healthy and helps regulate the growth process. Potassium also controls the opening and closing of stomata –pores in the leaves with its role in osmoregulation. This regulation helps the plant breathe, exchanging carbon dioxide, water, and oxygen with the environment.
Remember ATP, the energy currency of the plant? Potassium triggers the production of ATP, storing energy produced during photosynthesis as glucose. In turn, the glucose stores are explored as fuel for growth. Potassium deficiency disrupts this process, leading to weak plants with no effective means for energy production. Growth is stunted, and the plant might likely wither off as carbon dioxide, water, and oxygen become impaired.


4. Calcium

Calcium builds the cellular walls, making sure your cannabis plants remain strong and do not lose vigor. This nutrient essentially shapes up the plant, providing characteristic shapes for the stems, buds, calyx, and margin. Calcium deficiency directly stunts plant growth with the leaves and buds irregularly shaped. Curled leaves, rusty stems, and frail stems typically signal poor levels of calcium in cannabis plants.


5. Magnesium

Magnesium plays a structural role in cannabis by acting as the central molecule in the formation of chlorophyll –the green pigment of cannabis plants. Chlorophyll is important for photosynthesis as it traps sunlight providing the solar energy needed for glucose production. Magnesium also helps mobilize the glucose produced to regions of the plant where they are required. This transfer process, referred to as 'translocation,' depends heavily on magnesium stores. If magnesium is missing in your plant soil, plant growth is significantly disrupted. Leaf discoloration may likely suggest your cannabis plant lack adequate magnesium levels.


Factors to Consider Before Selecting Your Marijuana Fertilizer

Finding the right fertilizer for your cannabis plants requires careful thought. There are many parameters to be considered and measured. Every one of these parameters makes a huge difference in how fast and effective your plant responds to the selected fertilizer. If you do it right, you are sure to get ideal yield improvement once you start harvesting. Here are some of the factors you need to consider before selecting a fertilizer;

1. Soil Aeration and Moisture

Before you select a fertilizer brand, make sure to consider the level of soil aeration and moisture content. The aeration level helps you determine how much water the soil can take without drowning the plant. This is very important if you are considering fertilizers with liquid formulations. In addition to gauging the aeration level, you will also want to make sure the soil is well aerated. If you are selecting fertilizers formulated as granules, a well-aerated soil makes sure the roots get enough oxygen even as the granules compact the root. If fertilizer particles become compacted and cut off the oxygen supply to your plant roots, harvest yield can be adversely affected.


2. Yield and Germination Rate

Of course, the only reason why you are considering a fertilizer is to improve the germination rate and eventual plant yield. The best fertilizer for your marijuana will significantly improve your harvest yield. You can simply check the labels on the fertilizer pack to confirm the estimated germination rate boost the fertilizer can add to your plant. Many times, these parameters depend on the materials the fertilizers are made from. For instance, earthworm castings are known to speed up the germination rates of many marijuana strains considerably. The natural hormones and biodegradable materials present in the worm casting help the root sprout faster, increase the stem lengths, and increase bud yield.

3. pH Management

How well can the fertilizer affect the soil pH? Soil pH is described as a measure of the acid-base balance. This balance affects the soil's microbial population, nutrient deposit, and the rate of root germination. Different plants grow better in soils of specific pH. For example, many strains of marijuana reportedly grow better at a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0. At this range, the roots grow normally, and you can be sure of ideal plant yield. Fertilizers can easily disrupt the pH of your soil, especially if the nutrients are derived from synthetic sources.
You will want to understand how far the fertilizers you prefer can change the soil pH. The pH of earthworm casting is reportedly around 7.0. If you add this to another medium of slightly acidic pH –around 6.0, the mixture can balance out around 6.5, giving you're a better growing medium. Fertilizer that changes the soil pH to extremes of acidity or alkalinity is generally not recommended for marijuana cultivation.


4. Source Raw Material

How are the nutrients in the fertilizers sourced? What is the nutrient composition of the fertilizer? You will want to make sure the source components of your selected fertilizer are healthy to the soil and your marijuana strain. Fertilizers made from harmful chemicals or chemicals with carcinogenic properties are not recommended for marijuana cultivation. These chemicals constitute health hazards to you and your plants. Fertilizers that contain heavy chemicals including lead, mercury, cadmium, mercury, and aluminum are also not recommended. Heavy chemicals can poison the plant, change the taste of your marijuana, and delay the plant germination rate.

5. Nutrient Components

You might want to consider the nutrient composition of the fertilizers if you need to correct a nutrient deficiency in your marijuana plants. If your plant is lacking a particular nutrient, it is logical that the fertilizer you will select can provide optimal quantities of the nutrient your plant needs. The nutrient composition of these fertilizers is often included on the product labels and measured in percentages. However, you might need the expertise of an agrochemical consultant to better understand the nutrient composition best for your marijuana.


The Most Popular Eco-friendly Marijuana Fertilizers

There is a long list of fertilizers you can choose from to supplement your plant growth. Some of these fertilizers are pre-mixed and made from synthetic chemicals. Others are eco-friendly and made from composting organic products. Depending on your preference, you can decide to use readily available biodegradable products for your fertilizers. Organic wastes from the animals and plants rot into the soil, producing nutrients and improving the nutrient profile of your soil. This method reduces contributions to landfills and generally provides an endless supply of good quality soul for every planting season. If you have considered all the parameters listed above, you are ready to finally select one of the following fertilizers;

1. Bat Guano

Bat Guano is typically bat poop. For centuries of farming history, bat guano has been used consistently as a readily sourced fertilizer option for rural farmers. Luckily for us, bat guano still works, even for marijuana cultivation. All you have to do is gather this organic component in large quantities. You can also add the fecal remains from chickens and cows. The manure is worked into the soil directly or made into a compost tea. The NPK ratio of Bat guano is reported about 10-3-1 –ten parts of nitrogen, three parts of phosphorus, and a part of potassium. This ratio supplies abundant nitrogen for your marijuana and increases yield rapidly.


2. Wood Ashes

Wood ash is another viable option for an eco-friendly fertilizer. You might not know, but wood ash contains a large deposit of potassium and lime. These components can be readily absorbed by the soil and picked up by your marijuana plants. In addition, ash from hardwoods such as oak generally contains more nutrients compared with ash from other trees. All you have to do to get wood ash is simply burn wood. Gather the ash from the fireplace, and you have a readily available fertilizer. To apply wood ash, you can lightly scatter it on your plants or add it directly to a compost heap. In addition to providing trace nutrients, wood ash can also help you keep out pests, slugs, snails, and worms.


3. Fish Meal

Fish meal is popular in arable farming. Farmers simply gather the ground-up, inedible parts of the fish to make cheap fertilizers. Cheap but effective. The inedible parts are milled into a fine powder and added directly to the soil. Farmers can also combine fish emulsion with fish meal. This combination acts as a nutrient depot, releasing nutrients quickly and improving marijuana yield in an all-season method. You can also consider using soy meal, blood, and bone.


4, Human Urine

Weird right? Well, human urine, if well prepared, is considered a good fertilizer and can be used for marijuana farming. However, do not urinate directly on your plant. This will probably kill your plant. When fresh, human urine contains a high percentage of nitrogen and salt. Your plant will need nitrogen to boost yield. If you are considering this option, you will have to dilute the urine. It is recommended that you dilute the urine to a 1:20 ratio in water. This might not exactly be the choice you might want to consider.

5. Vermiculite and Perlite

Vermiculite and Perlite are sterile inorganic products used as fertilizers in farming. They have been proven to improve the harvest yield of many marijuana strains. Perlite is porous and hard. It is produced by overheating volcanic glass at very high temperatures. Vermiculite, on the other hand, is spongy and soft. It is formed when mica is overheated to high temperatures. Together, these products make an incredible pair in providing an optimal germination environment for marijuana. The combination absorbs water for the root and aids early sprouting. In addition to its water absorption properties, the vermiculite-perlite combination provides a rich deposit of magnesium, calcium, and potassium.


6. Worm Casting

Earthworms have long been known to improve soil aeration and nutrient composition. Soils rich in earthworms are typically considered to be fertile for plant cultivation. If you live in areas where the soil has a rich earthworm population, you can decide to make a worm casting from your marijuana plants. Worm casting is the leftover remains when an earthworm digests organic components of the soil. The casting is rich in macronutrients needed by marijuana. However, it is not advisable to add worm casting directly to your marijuana. It is added to compost tea and then to the soil.
Preparing eco-friendly and organic fertilizers requires considerable skill and time. You can decide to use premixed or inorganic fertilizers. These types of fertilizers are readily available in agrochemical stores and require no special skills for application. Many times, the composition and instruction for use are contained in the product labels.


Final Thoughts on Fertilizers for Your Marijuana

Selecting the right fertilizer for your marijuana plants can significantly boost your yield and return on investment. To achieve maximum effect, you must understand the right quantities to apply per stand, the right time for application, and the right nutrients your plant needs. Your choice might also depend on your marijuana strain and farming budget. If you get these parameters right, you are sure to get an improved yield during your next marijuana growing season.

3air Ready to Solve Telecommunications Problems in Africa with Upcoming Public Sale

3air will kick off its public sale on November 26, as seen on the presale page.

3air Token Public Sale Details

The platform is building its upcoming public sale on the successful private sale rounds, which saw numerous participants joining. Currently, users register for the public sale and are awaiting Know Your Customer (KYC) and AML verifications.

The platform will sell the token at $0.06 at the public sale, which will offer the initial and final supply of tokens in presale rounds. To enter, you will need a minimum ticket of $600, while the maximum investment opportunity stands at $49,800.

The team securely developed the token on Cardano, utilizing the blockchain's IOHK Atala Prism Identity Management solution.

The platform will dedicate 20% of the 1 billion maximum token supply to the public sale. This allocation differs from the seed sale and private rounds, which represented 1% and 11% of total supply, respectively.

3air provides a detailed breakdown of its token sales. Also, the company believes that the disclosure of the token's distribution is crucial to prevent future supply changes.

The platform reassures its user base that all token distributions run on smart contracts. Therefore, you will receive your tokens once the sale closes automatically through an app on your ADA wallet.

Unfortunately, some countries will not be able to participate in token sales. The US, North Korea, Zambia, Central African Republic, British Virgin Islands, China, Venezuela, Iran and Iraq.

Tapping into Untapped African Markets

Investors have long recognized the African continent as a region full of potential and talent. However, the current lack of broadband internet and its supporting infrastructure causes a digital divide that slows down economic growth.

African cities can grow faster and thrive with more reliable internet connectivity. However, building telecommunication lines and burying fiber network cables requires substantial investments in infrastructure. Currently, internet providers focus primarily on business districts only, and Internet connections are limited and unreliable. A report by the World Bank estimates that it would take over $100 billion of investment and 10 years to achieve widespread broadband connectivity using traditional means.

3air recognizes this need for high speed internet and aims to close the digital divide faster and at lower costs. In a simulation of market potential using Nigeria as an example, 3air estimates that the value of the Nigerian markets' untapped annual revenue for Internet services is worth $60 billion. Establishing more affordable and faster internet connectivity would therefore not only benefit local populations, but token holders as well.

3air uses all these factors as motivation to provide broad premium bandwidth in African cities to previously underserved areas. In this regard, the platform relies on a talented and experienced team of specialists in IT, blockchain, marketing, and telecommunication.

Blockchain technology is leveraged by 3air to provide a trustless, decentralized environment that maintains security and user data protection. Users will be able to create digital identities, enabling access to bankless payments, health, work and education. Internet, TV and IP Telephony subscriptions will be paid for using the 3air token. The token will also be used for bandwidth sharing, HW insurance and maintenance, rewards, referrals, staking and community governance.

Fruitful Partnerships

Besides developing on Cardano, 3air is acquiring more partnerships to drive its vision to completion. One of these strategic collaborations is with the telecom service provider K3 Telecom. The Swiss company's patented technology will develop the broadband connection for 3air using innovative wireless technology that is able to set up high speed internet connectivity in a new region in a matter of months. 

Its optic grade air connectivity can provide 1Gbps internet speed and over 150 television channels. The technology, K3 last mile, is ready for the world, utilizing innovative technology, a functional business plan, and a successful proof of concept in Sierra Leone. Other 3air partnerships include collaborations with IT TIM, CV Labs Global, and iceaddis.

These business and technological joint efforts show 3air's commitment to providing Africa with better internet connectivity. Thanks to its innovative projects and ideas, individuals and businesses in African cities will finally upgrade to fast and cost-effective internet services.

Type Of Seed to Buy? Feminized or Auto-flowering

Starting a cannabis farm requires a lot of planning. Not only do you have to plan, but you also require a great deal of determination to see your plant through the seedling, vegetative and flowering stages. Well, don't be scared. You can get your desired plant yield on your first trial if you have just the right information. Over the last few years, many people have started cannabis cultivation. In 2019 alone, the global cannabis cultivation market was estimated to be worth about $123.9 billion. From 2020 to 2027, this value is expected to grow consistently at a compound annual growth rate of 14.3%. This translates to more cannabis cultivation operations and the commercialization of weed products.

Regardless of your purpose for cannabis cultivation, there are steps to follow in cannabis farming. It all starts with selecting the right seed to grow. As one of the oldest plants ever cultivated by man, cannabis has survived centuries of history. Today, there are over 700 strains of cannabis developed through several years of plant study and in-breeding projects. However, all these strains belong to one of the three different types of cannabis seeds categories –regular, auto-flowering, and feminized. Therefore, your first decision as a new cannabis farmer will be to select the right type of seed for you. Making this decision requires a lot of consideration and comparison.

This review has compiled a guide explaining the different cannabis available today and why you should consider planting them.

1. Regular Cannabis Seeds

Regular cannabis seeds are the standard, non-engineered seeds. These seeds have equal chances if emerging into a female or a male cannabis plant. They are not optimized in any way or modified to influence the yield or character of the plant they develop into. Since they can produce male cannabis plants, regular seeds are popular among cannabis farmers who develop new cannabis strains. Pollen produced from the male seeds fertilizes a predetermined female flower, giving birth to a new generation of seeds.

With regular seeds, anything goes. The plant yield and character may be very different across a similar family. They can also exist as Indica-dominant types, Sativa-dominant types, or in high CBD and high THC variants. The regular cannabis seed has genetics traced back to landrace ancestors first cultivated in the mountains of India to the beaches of Jamaica. Many experienced cannabis farmers have also attempted to get improved regular strains from two other regular strains. When these attempts succeed, the new strain expresses the qualities of the parent strains.


Compatibility Profile

Do you think regular cannabis seeds will be perfect for your planting operation? It all depends on what you want. If you desire to have a farm full of both male and female cannabis seeds, then planting regular cannabis seeds is your best bet. With your garden full of both sexes, you can experiment and create your strains. But, of course, farming cannabis doesn't have to be boring, even as a novice.

Combining these plants can give you customized varieties with unique traits. You can then proceed to develop only the strain with the trait you desire. Many commercial cannabis formers take cuttings from their plant. Suppose your plan to do this; growing out regular cannabis seeds is also your best bet. By cloning your plants, you skip the germination phase to produce fully viable clones of your regular cannabis plant. You might require help with this, though.

Should You Plant Regular Cannabis Seeds?

There exist no definite answers to this single question. It all depends on your target for planting the seeds and their compatibility for your planting operation. One of the biggest advantages of planting regular cannabis seeds is that you can produce many strains without specialized experience in cannabis farming. The processes involved in regular cannabis seeds cultivation are relatively compared with feminized and auto-flowering seeds. Since there is also an equal chance of producing both male and female plants, you can have a large repository of different strains, with both modern and classic genetics on the same piece of land. Ever heard of a pollen bank? You can also create on using your male plant population.

As you might expect, there are also many cons to growing regular seeds. These include misidentifying the sexes. The planting operation can also be very unpredictable as your seeds do not carry any genetic engineering to help through the different growth stages. The yield ratio and plant output rate can also be very unpredictable. You might also have to construct separate grow tents for both sexes. Accidental addition of a male plant in the female grows room might result in fertilization of the female flowers.


2. Feminized Cannabis Seeds

As the name suggests, feminized cannabis seeds were created to increase the chances of growing only females. By planting feminized seeds, you get a female plant 99.9 percent of the time. The possibility of germinating a male plant is almost eliminated. That means no pollen sacs but many flowers. To start with, feminized genetics is made by crossing one female plant with another. The fertilized female produces a generation of feminized seeds. How is that even possible? How can female cannabis plants produce pollen sacs needed to fertilize another female plant? The answer lies in plant genetic engineering.

To force a female plant to produce pollen, breeders use many methods. One involves stopping the production of ethylene in the plant tissues, forcing the female plant to produce pollen sacs. Various chemical agents, including colloidal silver, are used as catalysts for the process. Occasionally, female plants can also flip, relying on nature's undying desire to procreate and produce oddly-shaped pollen sacs.


Compatibility Profile

Although genetically engineered, feminized seeds also require adequate care during the different stages of growth. So, you need to learn a few proven growth strategies to help you through the growing stages. You should know that female cannabis plants prevented from fertilization will also produce flowers without seeds. Many marijuana users prefer a seedless cannabis flower.
If you prefer to see flowers on your cannabis plant and not pollen sacs, then feminized cannabis seeds are for you. Many farmers commercially grow cannabis strains for their flowers too. You will also have to learn how to deal with cannabis odor since you will have a room full of flowers. If you like to grow cannabis as a hobby, feminized seeds will help you save time too. You will save yourself the energy and time needed to sift males out of your growing space.

Why Should You Grow Feminized Cannabis Seeds?

For starters, the equal chance of producing both sexes as with regular seeds is eliminated. You are guaranteed a grow room full of genetically engineered female cannabis plants. In addition to being cost-effective, you will also get big resinous buds and save time on many tendering processes. However, it is not always exactly smooth for farmers to plant only feminized seeds. Although the yield and output can be predictable, the plants can sometimes into hermaphrodites as a result of bad genetics or environmental stress. Feminized plants are also not suitable for breeding purposes. You get less viable clones, so in most cases, you can only start from the seed.

3. Auto-flowering Cannabis Seeds

These types of cannabis seeds can automatically transition into the flowering stage without any changes to their light cycle. Compared to other cannabis seeds, auto-flowering seeds can properly move from germination to harvest with little or no external assistance. They are easy to grow, tend, and do not require the same level of complexity as in regular or feminized seeds. Auto-flowering cannabis seeds are produced by using Cannabis ruderalis genetics.

This subspecies has the auto-flowering trait and adapt perfectly to the shorter growing seasons and extreme weather conditions of Central Asia and Russia. Instead of waiting on a change in light exposure to flowers, plants with the ruderalis genetics simply depend on age and time. Breeders find it exciting to work with auto-flowering strains, combining these genetics with other subspecies to create a new generation with desired qualities.


Compatibility Profile

Auto-flowering seeds grow within a short period, making it possible to harvest a cache of cannabis in a very short time. If you are experimenting with cannabis cultivation and don't mind spending extra cash on getting seeds, then auto-flowering seeds are made for you. You can set a grow room in no time and take down your growing operation within a small window. If you only have a small growing space, auto-flowering seeds produce a short plant that fits right into small enclosures. This explains why discreet cannabis farmers choose to plant auto-flowering seeds. They grow fast into short plants and can be concealed outdoors with other regular plants.

Why Should You Grow Auto-flowering Cannabis Seeds?

There are many reasons you should consider growing auto-flowering seeds. They are compact, require little space, and smoothly transition into the flowering stage. These qualities make auto-flowering seeds suitable for guerilla growing and beginner-friendly. In addition to all these, they are also higher in CBD. If you grow a room full of high CBD plants, you are sure to get more investment returns as they are heavily in demand for medical CBD. However, the auto-flowering plant produces less THC and is not as potent as other seeds. They are difficult to clone and can sometimes give a lower yield.


So, What Do You Think?

There are many pros and cons to growing the three types of cannabis seeds. You have to consider their compatibility profile and check if they fit right into your growing operations. You can get an improved yield on these seeds if you understand how to fertilize cannabis plants and the growth requirements needed. You can also check our seed bank for improved cannabis seeds that are easy to grow and give a high harvest yield.

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