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Tag: remove

Singh’s Gambit

Trudeau & Jagmeet Singh

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh is no fan of Justin Trudeau. He’s called him an “abject failure” who has “made things worse, not better.” During the election, when asked about a coalition with the Liberals, the NDP leader said, “that is a firm no for me.” And when the Liberals introduced the Emergencies Act to remove […]

The post Singh’s Gambit appeared first on Cannabis News, Lifestyle - Headlines, Videos & Cooking.

How Geothermal Plants Could Unlock Vast Supplies of Lithium in the American West

geothermal energy power plant lithium
Geothermal energy has long been the forgotten member of the clean energy family, overshadowed by relatively cheap solar and wind power, despite its proven potential. But that may soon change, for an unexpected reason. Geothermal technologies are on the verge of unlocking vast quantities of lithium from naturally-occurring hot brines beneath places like California’s Salton […]

Stochastic RSI MT5 Indicator

Indicator Stochastic RSI is a stochastic calculated on the data of Relative Strength Index (RSI) It has six adjustable parameters: Stochastic %K period – stochastic %K line calculation period Stochastic %D period – stochastic %D line calculation period Stochastic slowing – stochastic slowing calculation period RSI period – RSI calculation period Overbought – overbought level Oversold – oversold level Calculations: SK […]

La entrada Stochastic RSI MT5 Indicator se publicó primero en ForexMT4Indicators.com.

Inside the stunning home where Ash Barty will spend retirement

Australia’s queen of the court, Ash Barty, will enjoy retirement in the brand new “forever” home she is building west of Brisbane.

The post Inside the stunning home where Ash Barty will spend retirement appeared first on realestate.com.au.

The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing

The first marketing email was sent in 1978, resulted in $13 million in sales, and kicked off what has become one of the most highly used marketing channels even to this day.

Given its early beginnings, email isn’t as shiny as some newer channels like messaging and social, but it is an effective way to build an owned audience that gets results.

Download Now: Email Marketing Planning Template 

RuTracker Found Itself Unblocked in Russia So Immediately Blocked Itself

Infamous Russian torrent site RuTracker is one of many pirate sites that are permanently blocked by the Russian authorities for failing to remove copyrighted content. However, when the site suddenly became accessible again this month, RuTracker took its own measures to block Russian users.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

MPA: Google’s Delisting of Thousands of Pirate Sites Works

The MPA has teamed up with Google to remove pirate site domain names from search results in countries where these are already blocked by ISPs. No court has ordered Google to take action but the company is voluntarily complying with "no-fault" ISP injunctions. According to the MPA, this delisting of pirate sites is an effective tool in the fight against online piracy.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

Nintendo Switch Update’s New Feature Misses The Point Of Folders

If there's one steadfast, unshakeable belief we have tried to communicate here at GameSpot Dot Com, it's that the Nintendo Switch needs folders. We have been very, very vocal on this over the last five years. So imagine our surprise when Nintendo suddenly released a new Switch firmware update, adding Groups, a feature that lets you group games and applications together with custom labels. Why, that sounds like folders!

After some well-earned champagne-popping and congratulating ourselves on successfully encouraging Nintendo to do the right and moral thing, we downloaded the update. Our jubilation quickly turned to bafflement, then disappointment, then frustration, then hunger, then frustration again, then white-hot anger. How did they mess this up?

For as long as the Nintendo Switch has had a Home screen, it has listed the last 10 things you opened, with the rest dumped into a giant pile of "all applications." The longstanding request for folders aimed to bring order to this chaos by allowing us to sort items into categories for easy indexing.

In short, folders are a decluttering tool. That's the reason they exist. You sort games into subgroups to get the disorganized mess of icons off of your Home screen. The power to choose which games go under what label is of secondary importance. The most important factor--and again, the entire raison d'être of folders--is to move your programs and applications out of sight.

The Nintendo Switch Groups feature does not do this. Instead, your Home screen still consists of the last 10 things you opened, and the rest are still shoved into the messy "everything else" pile. An Archive function exists, and has for some time, but this doesn't remove that game from the Home screen or move it to the end of the All Games stack. Your only options to free up a slot from a game you're no longer playing are to delete its icon entirely or open enough different games to push it away. Inside this crowded All Games stack, you can press the L button to bring up your Groups, which is where you'll finally find your nicely organized folders. What. The. Hell.

Look, Nintendo. I know you understand how folders work. I've never been fortunate enough to visit the no-doubt Willy Wonka-esque paradise that is Nintendo HQ, but I'm relatively certain that in that office you use computers. And I'm also relatively certain that on your work computers, you don't have every program and file right there on your desktop. You have them organized, right? Into folders? Now imagine if someone suggested that instead of organizing them into folders you should leave every single program and application and file on the desktop, but also create nicely organized shortcuts in a separate file folder system that's two layers deep. You would probably ask: why? And you would be right to do so, because that would be an objectively terrible suggestion!

Why would anyone, anywhere design it to work this way? It's maddening.

I don't want to be unreasonable. I know that system updates take time and work and testing. My one request is that now that you've implemented some kind of cursed lumbering mutant version of folders, you next set about doing it right. Let us actually organize games into folders, or at least pin our Groups onto spots on the Home screen. And please, don't make us wait another five years.

Failing that, we will accept bringing back the Wii Shopping Channel music. We're willing to be flexible on this.

Big Push to Reform Cannabis Banking Regs Renewed Ahead of Midterms

Members of the cannabis industry are intensifying their push to get a banking reform bill passed ahead of the November midterm elections. Industry members are fearful that a potential GOP […]

Schwazzing to Increase Your Marijuana Plant Yield

Schwazzing weed is a process that involves removing most of the fan leaves of your weed plant so that all that’s left is their stems and buds.  The idea of stripping your plants of most of their fan leaves may seem counterproductive to their growth and development, but by doing so your plants will gain ...

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The post Schwazzing to Increase Your Marijuana Plant Yield appeared first on I Love Growing Marijuana.

Skinetic Haptic Vest Currently Looking for Backers

Actronika is launching a haptic vest, Skinetic, on Kickstarter for those seeking full immersion.

MTF LRMA MT5 Indicator

Indicator Multi Timeframe Linear Regression Moving Average with signal line represents a multi-timeframe linear-regression moving average (LRMA) having a signal line. It has four configurable parameters: LRMA period – LRMA calculation period Signal period – signal line calculation period LRMA timeframe – LRMA timeframe Drawing mode – drawing mode Steps – by steps Slope – by sloping lines  

La entrada MTF LRMA MT5 Indicator se publicó primero en ForexMT4Indicators.com.

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