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Tag: red teaming

NetSPI Acquires Hubble, Adds CAASM to Complement its IEASM

PRESS RELEASEMINNEAPOLIS, June 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- NetSPI, the proactive security solution, today announced its acquisition of Hubble Technology Inc. ("Hubble"), a Northern Virginia-based cyber asset attack surface...

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AI helped X-Force hackers break into tech firm in 8 hours

RSAC An unnamed tech business hired IBM's X-Force penetration-testing team to break in and search for security vulnerabilities in their networks.  While he can't name...

TikTok becomes first to require watermaking of AI content

TikTok intends to begin labelling AI-generated images and videos uploaded to its video-sharing service. "TikTok is starting to automatically label AI-generated content (AIGC) when it's...

In the rush to build AI apps, don’t leave security behind

Feature While in a rush to understand, build, and ship AI products, developers and data scientists are being urged to be mindful of security...

OpenAI Rules Out Use in Elections and Voter Suppression

In a decisive move to combat misinformation in elections, OpenAI has declared a rigorous stance against using its generative AI tools in election campaigns...

Why Red Teams Can’t Answer Defenders’ Most Important Questions

COMMENTARYIn 1931, scientist and philosopher Alfred Korzybski wrote, "The map is not the territory." He meant that all models, like maps, leave out some...

The Limitations of Red Teams in Addressing Defenders’ Critical Inquiries

Red teaming is a valuable practice in the field of cybersecurity, where a group of experts simulates real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses...

Meta AI to Add Invisible Watermarks for Transparency

In a world where AI-generated images are increasingly indistinguishable from human photographs, Meta has updated its ‘Imagine with Meta AI’ tool.  According to their blog,...

Meta Launches New AI Features on Facebook, Instagram

In a year filled with remarkable strides in artificial intelligence, Meta has undoubtedly taken the lead with groundbreaking advancements. From enhancing virtual assistants to...

Biden’s AI Order May Have Wide Impact For Startups

The Biden administration on Monday released an executive order laying out a broad range of  safety and security requirements around the use...

Frontier risk and preparedness

To minimize these risks as AI models continue to improve, we are building a new team called Preparedness. Led by Aleksander Madry, the Preparedness...

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