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Tag: Procurement

Global Trends in the Metal Commodities Industry

According to the MSCI Industrial Metals Index, in the past year, the cost of both base and precious metal commodities has gone up by...

The Dirty Little Secrets in Procurement!

It’s time to air our dirty laundry and our dirty little secrets. Procurement is a function that is undergoing an exciting transformation in the majority...

How to Avoid Supply Chain Bottlenecks!

It’s easy to visualize your supply chain as a river, flowing from one point to another. Along the way, it can branch out into...

Improve Flows through your organisation’s Supply Chains

Flows in Supply Chains The critical perspective of your organisation’s supply chains’ success is not the efficiency of individual departments, but the effectiveness of...

Procurement Experiences and Trends!

Where is procurement, outsourcing, sourcing, supply chain, and purchasing going? What is happening in the marketplace? What are companies thinking at the executive level and what...

Seasoned Leadership in Action™ – An Interview with Kristie Syndikus, VP Procurement at Maple Leaf Foods!

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such...

Top 10 Challenges in IT Procurement!

Procurement is a process that involves obtaining and accepting terms and getting goods or services from an outside source. You achieve the process via...

Leverage Technology and People in a Time of Supply Chain Disruptions 

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IKEA’s IWAY Lessons For Procurement!

My girlfriend and I have a dog, named Charlie. He’s only one and a half years old and is already, now, rather well trained. Sure,...

DIFOTA model for Supply Chains to measure Availability

Optimize flows not the functions To better understand the performance of their supply chains, organisations should measure the performance of Flows – items...

Supply Chain Scams and Fraud!

Very early on in my career an associate of mine was fired because he was found to be taking kickbacks from packaging suppliers to...

The Negotiation Before the Negotiation!

When preparing for a negotiation, it is common to identify the issues to be negotiated, decide on negotiating tactics to use on your supplier,...

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