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Tag: Procurement

What is Virtual Procurement and Why Should You Care?

Virtual procurement article originally created and published by Jill Button, CEO of ProcurePro at https://procurepro.ca.  Permission to publish here provided by Jill Button. Any of this...

Why Benchmarking is the First Step to a Successful Freight Procurement Event

At a recent industry conference, a shipper asked me many questions about transportation procurement, such as, “How do you best determine how long and...

High Fuel Prices and Logistics: Actions Companies Can Take to Mitigate the Impact

As if transportation and logistics executives didn’t already have enough challenges to deal with, high fuel prices have been added to their plate. As...

[Video] Supply Chain’s Most Profitable Four-Letter Word: Data

There’s certainly a lot of data in supply chain and logistics. Some companies drown in it, while others find a way to convert data...

Event Preview: Supply Chain Digitalization Conference by ptn events

Event Title: Supply Chain Digitalization ConferenceConference Date:  17th – 18th October 2022Event Type: Virtual EventEvent Organizer: ptn eventsThe Supply Chain Digitalization Conference organized by...

Manhattan Momentum 2022: Assemble Agents of Change

As an engineer by training, I’ve come across many mathematical formulas, but I hadn’t seen this one until a couple of weeks ago when...

Are We Facing the End of Supply Chain Management?

The end of Supply Chain Management article originally published by, and permission to publish here provided by, Argentus. A new article in Harvard Business Review...

The Supplier Management Secret Recipe

The Supplier Management Secret Recipe article and permission to publish here provided by Sam Jenks. I love cooking. Even more, than I love cooking, I...

Above the Fold: Supply Chain Logistics News (June 10, 2022)

Andy Fletcher, a founding member of Depeche Mode, died in late May at age 60. First came the shock that he died, then came the...

Our 2021 Top 10 List!

In the middle of our 5th year here at Supply Chain Game Changer we are proud to publish our 2021 Top 10 List. ...

The CPO’s role in driving enterprise sustainability

The British Zero Defects thinker Phil Crosby said, “If anything is certain, it is that change is certain. The world we are planning for...

In Search of Procurement’s North Star!

Procurement’s North Star article and permission to publish here provided by Sam Jenks. What exactly are you and your procurement team working towards? I don’t mean...

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