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Pythonic Code: Best Practices to Make Your Python More Readable

All veteran Python developers (Pythonistas) preach about writing Pythonic code. If you're someone who has spent some time writing Pythonic code, you will...

Just Around The Healthcare Block: Feature Interview With Hermann Kamp, CEO of ClinicAll

Point-of-care digital solutions provide many advantages for today’s healthcare delivery model. This is a focal point of ClinicAll, a software solutions firm and...

The R3 Healthcare Value Proposition: Feature Interview With Stephanie Perez

  Blockchain Healthcare Review have teamed up to bring healthcare innovation to the R3 Corda Enterprise Blockchain platform. In 2015, the enterprise blockchain company R3 launched...

Charting The Blockchain of DNA

David Koepsell has been examining the future of genomic data for nearly a decade. An academic philosopher, entrepreneur, and retired attorney, Koepsell keeps...

The State of Blockchain in Healthcare in the UK & Sweden

An emerging thought leader. A digital health expert. A consultant. And a polyglot with five languages in her repertoire (English, French, Spanish, Swedish,...

Around The Block With Wellness Tracking: Feature Interview With Dr. Rhea Mehta, Bowhead Health

Today, new advancements in technology are allowing patients greater control over their health data. Not only will we be able to choose what...

Blockchain’s Transformative Impact On Healthcare: Feature Interview With Author Mark van Rijmenam

The Internet. It all began as a grand vision for a democratized global network. Today, it is increasingly controlled by a powerful group of...

All the feels: using sentiment analysis to improve customer experience

Your gaze drifts to the upper right corner of your MacBook Air. It’s four o’clock in the afternoon. Only one more hour of...

“In Blockchain We Trust:” The New Healthcare Mantra

The need for medical attention can be a time of great vulnerability and uncertainty. With this often come lapses of care, billing issues,...

Welcome to the New Xilinx AI Blog!

Hello World! This is the first post of the new Xilinx AI Blog. We look forward to bringing you the latest information on...

Does crowdfunding actually work? – 8 convincing reasons for your nonprofit to try crowdfunding today

Everyone in the nonprofit sector knows what it’s like to be stretched too thin. Chances are, your organization is overworked, underfunded, and putting...

A New Fund for the Next Decade

05 Apr 2019 A New Fund for the Next Decade Tags: fintech, Innovation, Investing, MiddleGame Ventures, venture capital in Uncategorized...

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