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Tag: physical layout

How to Switch Monitors 1 and 2

Using multiple monitors can greatly enhance your productivity and provide a better computing experience. However, it’s essential to know how to switch monitors 1...

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Retro Gadgets: The 1974 Breadboard Project

It is hard to imagine experimenting with electronics without the ubiquitous solderless breadboard. We are sure you have a few within arm’s reach. The...

Breakthrough Gains in RTL Productivity and Quality of Results with Cadence Joules RTL Design Studio – Semiwiki

Register Transfer Level (RTL) is a crucial and valuable concept in digital hardware design. Over the years, it has played a fundamental role in...

Anirudh Keynote at Cadence Live

Anirudh is an engaging speaker with a passion for technology. Acknowledging the sign of the times, he sees significant value-add in AI but reminded...

Which network suits your IoT facility? Wired or wireless?

Machinery in modern facilities relies on data more than operators to function. This reliance on data has sharply risen with the introduction of the...

Taming Physical Closure Below 16nm

Atiq Raza, well known in the semiconductor industry, has observed that “there will be no simple chips below 16nm”. By which he meant that...

Secure Physical Design Roadmap Enabling End-To-End Trustworthy IC Design Flow

The FICS Research Institute (University of Florida) has published a new research paper titled “Secure Physical Design.” This is the first and most comprehensive...

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