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Tag: optimizing

Intel says it can sort the living human beings from the deepfakes in real time

Claims to be able to spot imposters in live video feeds within milliseconds

Intel claims it has developed an AI model that can detect in real time whether a video is using deepfake technology by looking for subtle changes in color that would be evident if the subject were a live human being.…

Pasito Raises $3.25M for its Employee Benefits Navigation Platform That’s Saving Money for Both Employers and Employees

The cost of healthcare is increasing rapidly and for employers, managing these costs is a significant hurdle.  Many employers are opting to cut back on benefits that are offered to employers, saving on premiums but costing employees more per visit, which in turn, leads employees to become less likely to see doctors. This is a vicious cycle that ultimately increases overall costs over time and poorer health outcomes.  Pasito is a data-driven benefits navigation platform that allows both employers and employees to optimize the benefits that are offered to ensure that the goals of providing a valuable safety net is balanced with managing costs.  The platform covers the entire benefits spectrum; not just healthcare by integrating with a company’s HR data stack to ensure that employees are able to make informed decisions that are tailored to individual circumstances.  Pasito estimates it can save up to $1M per year for a 1000-person company by reducing the 61% of employees that opt into benefits that are never used. AlleyWatch caught up with Pasito Cofounder and CEO Pauline Roteta to learn more about the business, the company's strategic plans, latest round of funding, and much, much more...

Reinforcing business operations with IT management

Today enhancing business operations without the enterprise IT management is almost impossible. Enterprises initially viewed data collection as a way to help their manufacturing,...

SaaS and Supply Chains (Bio + Health Newsletter November 2022)

What we’re looking for at HLTH “The future is already here – it’s just unevenly distributed,” said science fiction writer William Gibson. As much as...

How to Develop a Successful Ecommerce Strategy: Steps & Examples

Guides & Advice How to Develop a Successful Ecommerce Strategy: Steps & Examples Building an ecommerce strategy that will help your...

Why Web Hosting Is Important for Your Ecommerce Website – 10 Best Reasons

Web hosting is one of the most vital components of eCommerce. Most e-merchants regard it as the backbone or engine of eCommerce. It propels...

Warehouse Operations: Optimizing the Shipping Process

Shipping is the final warehouse process, and one of the most important ones, for that matter. While customer experience greatly depends on the shipping...

The Top 6 Use Cases for Network Optimization

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Factors affecting the competitiveness of bacterial fermentation

Sustainable production of chemicals and materials from renewable non-food biomass using biorefineries has become increasingly important in an effort toward the vision of ‘net zero carbon’ that has recently been pledged by countries around the world. Systems metabolic engineering has allowed the efficient development of microbial strains overproducing an increasing number of chemicals and materials, some of which have been translated to industrial-scale production. Fermentation is one of the key processes determining the overall economics of bioprocesses, but has recently been attracting less research attention.

Warehouse Loading Dock: 4 Practices to Optimize Efficiency

Warehouse loading docks can significantly influence the productivity and efficiency of your operations. For example, slow unloading can become a bottleneck to how much...

‘Inherited nanobionics’ makes its debut

Bacteria that take up single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) continue to divide as normal and even...

Warehouse Operations: Optimizing the Putaway Process

The putaway process is often ignored by warehouse managers when optimizing warehouse operations but is a critical step to increasing warehouse efficiency. The initial...

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