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Tag: notables

What To Call The Illegal Marijuana Market

A grey market or parallel market is the trade of a commodity through distribution channels not authorized by the original manufacturer or trade mark...

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Handling Data Concerns in 2024 and Onwards – DATAVERSITY

Looking back, then forward, is a traditional exercise by year-end. Which data concerns are important enough to worry about in 2024? Which of those...

The Elite Sport Of Polo—As Played In London And Santa Barbara

The Sport of Kings has forever been a study in contrasts. The spirited game features champion horses, their thundering hoofs vibrating flutes of Veuve...

Wolf Game Integrates with Pixel Vault for Enhanced NFT Gameplay

The P2E gaming sensation, Wolf Game joins forces with Pixel Vault, a blockchain project focused on intellectual property strengths. After extensive discussions spanning over...

OpenAI.com, home of ChatGPT, approaches 1B monthly visitors

Web activity grew by 54 percent in March 2023, easily the greatest increase of all top-ranking websites worldwide, according to Veza Digital. In these...

Microsoft-Activision Merger Should Be Approved to Block China’s Tencent, Says Indie Dev

The Microsoft-Activision merger continues to produce outrageous defenses. This time, a self-described CEO of an independent game developer believes that the deal should be...

New Vehicle Buyer Loyalty Drops for Third Straight Year

New vehicle buyers are less loyal now than they were last year — substantially less so than three years ago. Some of the...

inAtlas lanza una herramienta inteligente para gestionar con eficacia polígonos industriales

La Estrategia Industrial Europea aborda la necesidad de reindustrialización y recuperación de la economía que, tras la pandemia, ha cobrado mayor fuerza y protagonismo, y...

Software Supply Chain Security Needs a Bigger Picture

The intricate labyrinth of open source dependencies across the global software supply chain has created an application security puzzle of mammoth proportions. Whether open...

Public Domain in 2023 #ArtTuesday

I recently had a debate with my 10 year old nephew on the pros and cons of IP entering the public domain, his take...

Artful Contemporary Enjoys A Quiet Haven Close To Las Vegas

Set just south of its glitzy sister, Las Vegas, is Nevada’s second-largest city: Henderson. In some ways, it seems a world away. Exuding many small-town...

SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘Elevator Action Returns’, ‘Astronite’, and Today’s Other New Releases and Sales

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for November 30th, 2022. We’re finishing up the month on a quiet note, friends. There...

¿Cómo se están desarrollando los esports en México?

La industria de los deportes electrónicos ha crecido considerablemente en tamaño e influencia en los últimos años. Recientemente, la Federación Internacional de Esports (IESF) agregó...

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