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Tag: need to consider

Cannabis Business Value

I spend a lot of time with business owners discussing their cannabis business value. Often, they come to me when they realize they have a problem with their current or former business partner. We all like to assume our business relationships will continue indefinitely as the venture increases in value and the owners see eye-to-eye

The post Cannabis Business Value appeared first on Harris Bricken.

What Can Enterprise IT Leaders Expect in 2022?

The past two years of remote work have been both a sprint and a marathon for IT leaders – working to find quick solutions to keep the lights on and businesses running remotely, coupled with making remote work scalable, sustainable, and secure long-term. During this time, IT leaders’ mindset around digital transformation shifted from being […]

The post What Can Enterprise IT Leaders Expect in 2022? appeared first on DATAVERSITY.

Rally Social Token Founders SuperLayer to Expand RLY Network to Solana

SuperLayer, the venture studio from the co-founders of Rally, has chosen Solana to host RLY-powered consumer products.

Mechanics and Definitions of SA-CCR (Part 1)

SACCR is the Standardised Approach to Counterparty Credit Risk (CRE52 under the consolidated Basel capital framework). It covers calculations for Credit Risk Weighted Assets and exposures under the Leverage Ratio (known as the Supplemental Leverage Ratio, SLR, in the US). It will impact the amount of Tier 1 capital banks must hold. SACCR means that […]

The Anacrusis Early Access impressions — In space, no one is around

The Anacrusis Early Access ImpressionsA few weeks ago, I was able to try The Anacrusis. It’s a co-op shooter from Stray Bombay, a studio helmed by Chet Faliszek (formerly of Valve) and Kimberly Voll (formerly of Riot Games). Think of the experience as akin to Left 4 Dead in space. However, given that The Anacrusis released as part of Steam’s Early Access program, there were a lot of issues to iron out. Additionally, I was mostly playing solo prior to the launch due to timezone differences. Fast forward to the present, and the game’s player population hasn’t quite caught up to its ambitions.   Lost in space The Anacrusis takes place aboard a space station that’s filled with aliens in ’70s-style clothing. There are four playable characters, though you don’t get to choose which one becomes your avatar (don’t worry, since there’s no mechanical difference between them). While you can play solo with bots, it’s still an online experience. That means a player who ...

Cryptocoin broker Crypto.com says 2FA bypass led to $35m theft

The company has put out a brief security report that summarises the 'what', but not yet the 'how' or 'why'.

Top 5 Reasons Why Bitcoin Crashed Today! Will $36k Be The Threshold To BTC’s Fall?


The post Top 5 Reasons Why Bitcoin Crashed Today! Will $36k Be The Threshold To BTC’s Fall? appeared first on Coinpedia - Fintech & Cryptocurreny News Media| Crypto Guide

The world of cryptocurrencies has fallen to another major crash, which has wiped out significant monetary numbers. The crash has resulted in novices falling prey to FUD and has left veterans in a dilemma over their plan of action. The turbulence from the crash has cost the market a loss of about 7.37% in market …

AI Technology is Becoming Essential for App Store Publishers

Artificial intelligence technology is becoming more valuable than ever. The market was estimated to be worth over $50 billion by the end of 2020 and is growing around 20% a year. One of the biggest reasons AI is growing in popularity is due to its role in mobile app design. There are a lot of […]

The post AI Technology is Becoming Essential for App Store Publishers appeared first on SmartData Collective.

5 Product Strategy Consulting Tips for Data-Driven Marketing Campaigns

Big data is extremely important in the marketing profession. This is supported by the fact that companies around the world will be spending over $4.6 billion on marketing analytics by 2026. A growing number of companies are using data analytics to better understand the mindset of their customers, provide better customer service, forecast industry trends […]

The post 5 Product Strategy Consulting Tips for Data-Driven Marketing Campaigns appeared first on SmartData Collective.

9 ways to help buyers compete in an all-cash world

In today’s fast-paced market, there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to helping a buyer compete in an all-cash world. However, there are various tactics and strategies that can certainly help. Here are a few.

Demystifying Bad Science

Rigorous science is challenging and any study can be questioned. Deception is part of human nature and scientists are human, as are journalists and policymakers. We are too and must be careful not to trust a study just because we find it exciting, or because it comforts us or conforms to our beliefs.

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